A federal court in Texas has thrown out the government’s ban on noncompete agreements that was set to take effect September 4.

In her ruling, Judge Ada Brown of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas wrote that the federal agency had overstepped its power when it approved the ban.

"The FTC lacks substantive rulemaking authority with respect to unfair methods of competition," she wrote. "The role of an administrative agency is to do as told by Congress, not to do what the agency think[s] it should do.”


The Republican National Committee is urging the Supreme Court to intervene in an Arizona election dispute this week and block up to 40,000 of the state’s registered voters from casting ballots in the presidential race.

Republican state lawmakers say these voters did not provide proof of their citizenship when they were registered and now they should be barred from voting in person or by mail.

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 148 points 1 month ago

Send the scam a hundred bucks, lose it, sue Google for fraudulent endorsement.

(Yes yes, this wouldn't work in the real world against Google's legions of lawyers, but I like the thought exercise)

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 150 points 1 month ago

Michelle: When they go low we go high.

Kamala: Let the meme trolling begin!

If we do end up descending into a Draconian hellhole of an autocratic dictatorship at least the election run-up is going to be exponentially more entertaining than it was going to be with Joe.

I say that dictatorship part because don't think for a second that the GOP is gonna just roll over and die. Expect hard-line challenges to vote counts in every single swing state.

submitted 2 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world
[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 128 points 3 months ago

Funny you mentioned that. I was out with my daughter a couple days ago and she got a flat that had to be replaced. She was legitimately worried that Toyota would void her warranty for not buying a tire from the dealership. Nevermind that we were out in rural nothingness with no Toyota dealership to be found.

submitted 4 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
submitted 4 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 132 points 4 months ago

The only surviving adult MOVE member, Ramona Africa, refused to testify in court and was charged and convicted on charges of riot and conspiracy; she served seven years in prison.

Jesus Christ! No criminal charges against police so let's imprison the sole surviving victim!

(She did get a handsome settlement years later, so there's that but holy hell man)

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 132 points 4 months ago

It's gonna be unbelievably dystopian if this guy weasels his way back into office. No policy other than unhinged vengeance.

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 131 points 4 months ago

Considering that you're probably making something like $1,500/mo in some place where rent is $3,000/mo I'd say take every discount you can get.

I briefly looked into doing a doctorate. The economics of it turned me away right quick.

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 135 points 5 months ago

Remember that one time Hillary Clinton answered an endless barrage of congressional questions for eleven hours without showing any signs of fatigue?

Apparently, she should've just taken a nap.

submitted 5 months ago by Got_Bent@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world
[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 150 points 6 months ago

Harris oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana convictions in San Francisco, previously unreported records from the DA’s office show. Her prosecutors appear to have convicted people on marijuana charges at a higher rate than under her predecessor, based on data about marijuana arrests in the city.

As the political winds blow with her I guess. At least it's a positive change.

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 243 points 7 months ago

Their recruiting offices were set up directly across the street from my daughter's high school right next to the Burger King where all the seniors went to lunch.

Shady as fuck

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 151 points 8 months ago

All this hasn't forced me into piracy.

It's worse than that.

It's forced me to stop caring about shows or movies entirely.

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 140 points 9 months ago

Has Alex Jones paid out a penny yet?

Will Rudy?

These guys seem to be able to ignore these judgements with impunity.

I am shocked that his attorney acknowledged wrongdoing. That'll fuck any appeal attempts.

[-] Got_Bent@lemmy.world 373 points 11 months ago

This kinda happened to me back in the nineties.

A former manager, no longer with our company, got word that I was interviewing for a new job.

She took it upon herself to call my then current manager to inform him that I was looking for a job.

To this he responded that not only was he aware of the situation, but he had helped refer me and and was facilitating the process because my wife had just gotten pregnant, the new job was double the income, and I was gonna need that, and he was happy for me.

I still fantasize about bringing severe misfortune to that woman.

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