There is no end to things that may exist but are not provable. Where do you draw the line? There might be a toaster orbiting the sun.
I know you are, but what am I?
I think that's an appropriate 1st grade level response.
This is where we got "in god we trust" from. Fucking christofascists.
I'm lazy as fuck.
He needs this for his brownshirts.
I'm guessing this will go about the same as when the police investigate themselves.
This is not a shower thought.
I think the Point of anonymous is not needing permission?
These should be publicly available online with about a 1 hr delay in case they are actually doing something good.
If this were truly an arrestable offense we would save a lot on police salaries.
r/conservative mods handed out bans for anyone even asking a legit question. Conservative arguments aren't fact based, so any good faith argument is seen as an attack and the only defense is to reject it outright. I don't know how good moderation can be applied to that.
The longer you are an adult, the more people in your life will die. It's shitty but that's how time works.