yikes. McCarthyism.
its always a bit hard to tell with source distros.
certainly none. its like learning things wrong is horrible as its way harder to correct yourself than learn it the first time. Similarly the more you lie or spread mistruth the harder it will be to discern truth yourself.
oh yeah. I don't think adds don't effect me in terms of knowing something exists over not knowing they exist but its ineffective for purchase decision.
I mean I know they used to have a program where medical school loans could be paid by working in rural communities. Its actually underserved but within the program working near a city was very competitive as that is where all the doctors wanted to work to get the loan forgiveness.
debates fine but you don't need to finish it or win it. Its a process.
As long as you push the ama to push to educate more doctors and for universal health care, then I don't think you have anything to feel bad about. We should have as many doctors as we need and should not be rationed based on wealth of the patients. We should be weeding out physcicians based on capability and not on the ability to stay awake for massive amounts of time.
I disagree. We need to find how to get the same effect while on earth.
This tracks from my experience.
You know this really clarified something for me. So much fud on the internet is really about over simplification. If you take out all context and reduce something down to nothing you can make the conclusion whatever.
I think its obscure but some wierdos geek out on it :)