Congratulations!! This means the average person in America is already too educated. Right!? Right?
You are writing fanfiction here, I don't think any serious leftist wants things to go sour for the US. As a leftist from outside the USA i often warn that the moment America crumbles we will all be struck by the sharpnell. If you take up some actual leftist literature, say some Noam Chomsky, some Baudrillard, some Felix Guattari, the overall feeling is " the contradictions of capitalism will mount and things will get considerably worse. " a lot of them suggest ideas on how to prevent these maladies, I'd recommend Guattari's "Cartographies of desire" but sadly the USA seems like is on it's full speed on course to ruin: facism in it's government going progressively shameless, the over finatialization of it's economy, the fact that political division and misinformation has been a strategy to undermine democracy used by both political parties, Oligarchy being so eager to turn "feudal" and several crisis of education. Things will get bad not because leftists wish it so, but because it will seem miraculous if they get better.
Either way, Americans have never cared whst leftists have to say. Their mere words will not change your reality.
"I am just a poor smol bean uwu nazi"
If it happens to a poor defenseless megafactory outside the US is it still civil war?
Personally i think the level of violence could be a little higher still... Or way higher! Burning megafactories levels of higher.
And a pay to win political candidate system, and a heavily monetized educational system. Who is surprised about the decline of the man who steps on his dick and machineguns his own foot?
New banana republic just dropped!
Fear and hunger; At least let me be one of the atrocities serving one of the mad gods
You are all getting portable incineration in car free of charge and you complain?! Some people are impossible to please!
I have severe arachnophobia, i can't kill spiders i am too afraid of them. But my cat is a ruthless killer and never fails to make them dissappear.
The memory of the smell of broiling pork rinds came to me immediately!