The Big Bang Theory
I used to be overweight because of depression. Depression was caused by gender dysphoria that I no longer have thanks to having an accepting family + transitioning :)
Ban Elon Musk then??? Sick of reading abt Reddit bending over backwards to defend him & Trump
Something that we've needed for too long. Good on China :)
Very happy for you Katie <3 my mom was the same, feels amazing to have accepting parents. And a huge weight off your chest
Trump was never on your side, now you're finding out the hard way :|
Love to read these stories. You've come so far and you get the happiness you always wanted <3
What do you expect from the company which promised that windows 10 would be the last one? xD
I'm the first one. I wish I knew why but whenever I try and sit anything like the second diagram I'll get neck and back pain all day. I have hypotonia tho so maybe it's that?
Been on HRT since 2022 and there have been changes! Fat redistribution is one of the more gradual effects of HRT but it's doable. Also there are lots of women who don't have that hourglass shape. One of my best friends is a cis woman who is straight up and down. I still find her very pretty.
Sorry to bother you but is an alt of Call Me Lenny/Leni, and Leni appointed the alt as a mod (the alt is still listed as a mod on AskLemmy). Confirmation that they're alts and
I've become allergic to Veet hair removal cream. Worked like a charm the first two times with no irritation/rash, third time was not the charm because now I still have slight rash over my arms & legs :x