They are probably all paid off by Russia so not a surprise.
Yup it's the same
And a very high number of Ukranian soldiers want Russian soldiers out too.
Arrest and massively fine the owners and leaders of the companies doing it and it will stop. But no, slaps on the wrist or nothing at all for them.
People in other countries do use AR rifles for hunting all the time. Canada doesn't allow them to be used for hunting or they would have been.
That and the fact it doesn't do anything to stop criminals from killing anyone, or take their guns away. This is just a political stunt that wont do anything but cost the country money.
Trudeau created the day, didn't make it a federal holiday, didn't show up for the first day and decided to go on vacation instead. He really doesn't give a crap and did it for political points but lost them all.
Nothing with teeth unfortunately. Putting taxes on the corporations will just raise prices. Not very helpful. Getting rid of the GST on new rental units will mean bigger profits for the builders. Nothing here helps the people.
Paying bullies and murders to bully, rape and kill people. Why wouldn't they?
KOJO absolutely does believe Canada is more racist than the US because it suits them. No evidence behind it though.
They are just going to hide and blame KOJO, even though they support what they say. Nothing will happen to either since he committed suicide. If they get sued, they will just pay and it will go away. Nothing will change.
India and China are a couple of the biggest polluters. They also just happen to be in an area that will be one of the hardest hit, especially with their size of their population.