
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 7 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Time in market beats timing the market. You're never going to now when stocks are "low". You're just as likely to wait JUST a little too long and then end up buying when it's higher than it is now.

If you have AVAILABLE cash now, that isn't needed for an emergency fund, put it in the market now.

If you want to hedge your bets a bit, then just invest a smaller amount every week to distribute the buying power in case the market keeps dropping.

Trump could just announce that tariffs are dumb and he's never doing another one tonight, and the market jumps in off hours trading. Or the market could bounce up for a couple days then crash. Or the market could stay down for the next 4 years.

It's impossible to predict when the "buy back in" period should start, so just don't even try.

5g can cover a lot of rural areas, it's not universal, but it's a lot more available than fiber or cable.

There are certainly a lot of holes in the coverage, but a lot of people I know who live in pretty rural farm areas went from pretty unreliable microwave internet, to extremely reliable 5g internet a couple years ago.

That's not going to be the solution for everyone, but it does work to (relatively) quickly get internet to a pretty big area.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It depends, Terminator was a very unique story and more of a horror/slasher movie than an action movie. I prefer the first one, but I didn't always.

Terminator 2 is a fun action movie with heart. It's a very good movie, but it copies a lot from the original. That being said, it really pushes the boundaries of animation tech at the time, to the point where almost all the VFX still hold up.

I also really enjoy The Sarah Connor Chronicals, because it goes pretty deep into an interesting time travel war that was set up by T2. Those three IPs are all very different from each other, and are all great stories. Everything else is basically a money grab.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Can you share the STL? I would be interested in this.

Do you have any problems with water leaking? People always warn about prints not being water tight, but I don't know if that's old advice or not.

They're calling Canada the 51st state, not the 51st-55th state.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You have to be correct TWICE in order to make money off that bet though. Unless you buy back in right now, the chances you'll get back in at the right time are very low.

Are we talking mean, median, or mode?

Going back through your posts like a creeper.

These are all amazing.

Jumping in here a little late. Your jig works great if the bit is the exact width you need for the dado.

The OP's jig, while more complicated, works for any width as long as the bit is between 50% and 100% the size of the dado width.

They're both great, but they aren't 1:1 comparable. I much prefer your version for edge rabbets, and I prefer OPs version for middle of the board dados.

[–] 24 points 1 week ago

Pneumatic car jack with a spike on the end of it. Slide it under the middle of the car where the batteries are. Apply compressed air from a high pressure nitrogen tank. Release pressure, move on to next car.

Nah, I've done work with a dremel before.

This level of precision was much harder than any brain surgery.

That's also true of airplanes.

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