She's probably on Trump's side tbh
They should send their pilots to Ukraine to practice until the war with America starts
Or Israel. The IDF might be too tough, though.
Nonsense. We fixed everything by abstaining in the election. Kamala realised she needs the support of the left in order to win, and adopted a socialist platform while moving to impeach Trump.
The law is wrong. Dogs can't be fascists.
A Twitter checkmark? In 2025?
So in Sonic Underground, the main characters are urchin urchins?
XY is a mutation, genius
Exactly. And I'm definitely not a troll making fun of MLs
Yes, and I believe that I've helped saved Ukraine by letting Trump win. We taught the democrats a lesson, and tomorrow morning they're going to impeach Trump and restore aid to Ukraine, because they realised they were all stupid when I didn't vote for them.
I don't support genocide. I'm a proud Marxist-Leninist who will never vote Democrat, because I care about Gaza. And I'm not going to throw Gaza under the bus. Not for Ukraine, not for trans people, not even for the West Bank. I'll never cross the line no matter how high the consequences are.
Yeah, us voters are children, and we need politicians to baby us
One day an old jewish pole, living in Warsaw, has his last light bulb burn out. To get a new one he'll have to stand in line for two hours at the store (and they'll probably be out by the time he gets there), so he goes up to his attic and starts rummaging around for an old oil lamp he vaguely remembers seeing.
He finds the old brass lamp in the bottom of a trunk that has seen better days. He starts to polish it and (poof!) a genie appears in cloud of smoke.
"Hoho, Mortal!" says the genie, stretching and yawning, "For releasing me I will grant you three wishes."
The old man thinks for a moment, and says, "I want Genghis Khan resurrected. I want him to re-unite his mongol hordes, march to the Polish border, and then decide he doesn't want the place and march back home."
"No sooner said than done!" thunders the genie. "Your second wish?"
"Ok. I want Genghis Khan resurrected. I want him to re-unite his mongol hordes, march to the Polish border, and then decide he doesn't want the place and march back home."
"Hmmm. Well, all right. Your third wish?"
"I want Genghis Khan resurrected. I want him to re-unite his --"
"Okokok. Right. What's this business about Genghis Khan marching to Poland and turning around again?"
The old man smiles. "He has to pass through Russia six times."