Are you still getting paid but aren't working? I'm just wanting to make sure I understand your situation. There are no more morals and ethics in company policies it seems like.
And an injustice to all the loyal federal servants that vigilantly keep classified documents safe and make sacrifices to do so every day.
I bet after they offered him a juicey severance package he was like... well ok.
Kinda surprised it was only 178 ppl working for the app.
So many people get longer sentences for smaller crimes. :(
Rural people are the foundation of this country and need the most support for they often are over looked. Probably because they vote for people that don't have their well beings in mind.
I would upvote youtwice if I could. Thanks for sharing, I loved it.
Id like to imagine that the coder did this on person as a fuck u.
I'm ready for companies to do their ad campaigns about how they are saving the earth with their new policies and products.
Fuck it, please just profit from saving the earth. I dont care if its just doing what we've been asking them to do for the past 30yrs.
I still haven't consented to the 2.99 price hike to no have commercials. I will wait until the lawsuit runs its course because fuck em.