If you take the warp gate to Caelid, yet are too dumb to realize that Gurranq is INSIDE the building (I didn’t notice the door right behind me) and not the giant Gargoyle out front…
Well in that case you will walk back to Limgrave and stumble upon Millicent about half way there. Easy peasy lol
Ya you’re right that one is much tricker.
If you take the direct route via Dectus lift you will miss her unless you take that particular route to Volcano Manor.
If you climb the precipice, she’s in line of sight when you approach the grace… but still easily missable if you’re panic feeing to the grace from the Lansseax ambush.
Tangentially, I once thought Goldmask’s hat was a pvp reward because I only ever saw invaders wear it. I never saw him the first time I played haha.