
joined 2 months ago

Ya you’re right that one is much tricker.

If you take the direct route via Dectus lift you will miss her unless you take that particular route to Volcano Manor.

If you climb the precipice, she’s in line of sight when you approach the grace… but still easily missable if you’re panic feeing to the grace from the Lansseax ambush.

Tangentially, I once thought Goldmask’s hat was a pvp reward because I only ever saw invaders wear it. I never saw him the first time I played haha.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (5 children)

If you take the warp gate to Caelid, yet are too dumb to realize that Gurranq is INSIDE the building (I didn’t notice the door right behind me) and not the giant Gargoyle out front…

Well in that case you will walk back to Limgrave and stumble upon Millicent about half way there. Easy peasy lol

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Throughout several episodes in the first two seasons of Enterprise, the Suliban draw Captain Archer into the Temporal Cold War. That sounds cool, but the execution of the Suilban falls flat, starting with their design. They look like they’re covered in cheap green foam, giving them an unsettling texture that reads cheaper than even the aliens of the original series.

Look how they massacred my boy

At least the Suliban villain, Silik, was pretty cool. Sometimes an enemy, sometimes a friend, always throwing shade 👌

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I am mildly annoyed when an action scene essentially pauses so the heroes can have a small dialog scene.

I always find myself wondering: isn’t that bad guy, hull breach, detonation timer etc still there?

Gimme those guest stars from ntsf:SD:SUV:: 🤞

DAX: I hope you're not holding back because I'm a woman. If it makes things any easier, think of me as a man. I've been one several times.

think of me as a man. I've been one several times.

We could do this all day, I just reached for this example because of my recent run Gowron of episodes 🖖

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yes, we see TPol reading the new rediscovered teachings of Surak, demonstrating the spread in new ideas

We also see the Vulcan ambassador standup for being a “deviant” and ultimately prevail, demonstrating a shift in attitudes.

The Vulcan arc was one of the most strangely satisfying because:

  • It begins strong in the first 5 episodes or so (until Trip gives Tpol pecan pie)
  • Goes into the back burner for 2.5 seasons, except for random jabs at the Vulcan High Command
  • Goes into overdrive in S4 and shows us how these Vulcans become the ones we’ve come to know.
[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If you do that you miss much of the best Trek villains:

Kai Wynn and Gul Dukat

They are part of reason folks are advising you to hang in there.

But ultimately just enjoy it and skip any episode that is boring you; if you make it halfway you’ll probably want to watch the few relevant ones you skipped.

p.s. Buckle up 🖖

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Enterprise all the way.

It starts strong with lots human/vulcan conflict and then eases into 2 seasons of TNG-style adventures.

Season 3 is an imperfect masterpiece that ultimately delivers some incredible episodes. This is where Enterprise comes into its own.

Season 4 is more like a collection of 3-parters that sees the crew touch on all the lore they missed in the first 3 seasons. Satisfying but a different vibe.

Highlights include:

  • Captain Archer feuding with Duras
  • Dr Phlox improving every episode he appears
  • Lt Reed vs Major Hayes
  • Grapplers!

Low points include:

  • Decontamination
  • Archer/Tpol tension
  • Cogenitor episode
  • The finale

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[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Came here to mention La Sirena from Picard.

Hologram bridge crew with fully hologram passenger quarters, the introverts starship par excellence 👌

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