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[–] 7 points 2 days ago

They could go the Qanon route and just make all their conspiracies about Russia rather then "the deepstate".

Maybe the majority of Americans will have selective amnesia, as they do every few months, but committed libs may as well be a cult just as delusional as MAGA.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago

Considering there are few Arabic mainstream news networks that aren't funded by US vassels, it's honestly not unexpected that people would be fooled. They have no counter narrative, and never even interact with Shiites unless they are in a country that has a sizable population if them.

It's still infuriating seeing my Sunni companions snub me over a sectarian farce, because they'd rather believe the largely corrupt Gulf funded media over siding with Iran.

Though today the media landscape is quite different. Online media like telegram, whatsapp, and social media have a larger influence then mainstream media I believe, so perhaps these efforts are losing their effectiveness.

Unfortunately, AJ has gained a lot of clout from their Palestine coverage, which they are utilizing to deceive the masses.

I'd say the material reality of Israel's actions would be the largest motivator, but I'm not sure the sectarian hatred can be overcome.

[–] 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

So HTS decides to massacare Alawites and try to exterminate the Shiites of Lebanon but they won't fight Israel who is currently occupying their country?

Of course Jolani is just trying to make a stable situation for Syria according to his supporters. What a ridiculous farce.

The only stability HTS seeks is one born from the eradication of all minorities within Syria, and they don't care what it takes to get to that point. They'd give up the entire country to finally be rid of the "Mushrik" and "Kafir" which shows where their loyalty truly lies.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

I'd love for another wigs to Republicans moment in the US with the democrats, however I don't think that will happen due to a lack of framework for a left party to emerge. Also I think liberals would rather sink any emerging leftist party in their death throws rather them jump ship from their own party.

[–] 10 points 4 days ago

And dems are gonna still vote with them I bet. While liberals will blame the left even as they're carted off to new Trump Aslyums for a Twitter post that got them labeled under "TDS".

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

This has the op blasting in my head now... thanks

[–] 18 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Will this actually keep the average kurd safe? I don't trust that the Turkish-backed Wahabbi fundamentalist are in any way going to respect the rights and dignity of Kurds, just like how they don't for any other minority group.

What happened to the hordes of western leftists saying that Assads fall was an opportunity for Rojava to establish "democratic confederilism". Rojava wasn't willing to work with the secular Basthists who instituted sweeping welfare policies, yet they're willing to cooperate with a Salafi fundamentalist whose privatized a massive amount of state assets?

Bashar was too brutal, but they reconcile with Jolani while he massacres 1000s of Alawite civilians in the last week alone!? They reconcile with the scum who can call ISIS fighters his compatriots, the same people that the SDF was supposedly founded to fight against!? They reconcile with a butcher who is backed by the greatest existential threat to Kurdish existence, but they don't reconcile with the SAA who had a negligible amount of conflicts with them!?

This is why I don't give a fuck about being called a "Tankie." THESE are my enemies, and I'm glad to be judged by them, because it makes those who oppose me eitheir malignant liars or the most naive morons to ever glance a media report.

Call me a red fascist for standing stalwart as I wave the Baathist flag and holler from my pinnacle that "Bashar isn't ideal but he isn't ISIS, and deposits him will open the floodgates of fundamentalist terror on Syria." Call me a campist for indignantly snubbing your trust in Rojava becuase I said up until this point that they were nothing more then a US puppet meant to destroy Syria and its chance at stability.

What else can I say but, I told you this will happen, eitheir join with me to oppose it and humbly accept your mistake, or stand yo keep obstructing but atleast be honest that's what your doing.

[–] 20 points 1 week ago

This article is blood boiling in its framing of the conflict.

Suggesting Alwites not wanting to be exterminated are somehow responsible for Assads misdeeds, even though it was obvious to everyone that Wahabbis would massacare them given the chance.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

I know but I specifically hope that the resistance makes it known that they aren't attempting to reinstall Assad, but chart their own sovereign path.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

The UAE is in my opinion only surpassed by Israel and maybe Turkey in terms of which actors in the region are utterly horrific.

They're essentially an Apartheid state with a chip on their shoulder, who are seeking any way they can to stay relavent compared to Saudi Arabia.

The only reason I believe the US is condemning the RSF is because the US believes they are way more likely to bring about a level of instability which might foster the growth of an anti-imperialist faction in Sudan, compared to the easily controlled SAF. The UAE is desperate for some kind of power projection and is willing to burn down Sudan in order to get it, even though it could lead to an even worse outcome for them.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

My criticism of Assad isn't that he's a "dictator" it's that he's politically incompetent. His use of force in multiple areas backfired heavily against him and ended up feeding the rebellion. A more surgical use of force would have done more to deal with the fundamentalist threat.

More importantly is his bafflingly stupid attempt to reproach with the Gulf States, snubbing his Iranian allies. The same states that were heavily responsible for the rebels in the first place.

His refusal to accept necessary reforms that Iran and Russua advised him of also come to mind. Along with with a liberalization of the economy that only led to more opposition against him.

I'm not going to say his situation was easy to deal with, especially with the US holding his oil and grain hostage inthe north. However the SDF and SAA had significantly more in common then in opposition, I find myself skeptical that nothing could be done to take advantage of the Kurt's precarious relationship with the US, who is historically unreliable.

That's why I say that these remnants would best be served by installing a true Syrian Basthist into power rather then the incompetent Bashar, so that they may weird the necessary force to stabilize the country after victory.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

If the the renanants of the SAA are able to regain control, I fucking hope the new leader isn't Bashar again. He's incompetent and and opportunistic.

Someone actually loyal to the idea of the Syrian Baath would be much preferred.

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