Congrats! It's good to see some Zelda II love. It took me years to beat this as a kid, and you bet your ass I got some tips from Nintendo Power lol. To this day it's still one of my favorite NES games.
To sum up what a lot of other folks are saying:
Money doesn't buy happiness; money mitigates misery.
Somewhere, a Walton just sneezed.
Pop pop! Hope no one sees me... bein freaky.
One of these days, this event is going to be far enough in the past that my brain can stop saying "too soon!"
Today is not that day.
Reposting as the first attempt didn't seem to federate properly.
More than what I get.
Or I find the right words, but they come all at once and in the wrong order, and there's just so many of them, and it's very important that I get them exactly right, and... yeah I'm just going to not bother.
And then a few hours later I realize that it was a work email and I probably should get back to that.
I bet at one time they had a functional threshold alerting system. Then someone missed something (because they're human) and management ordered more alerts "so it doesn't happen again." Wash, rinse, repeat over the course of years (combined with VM sprawl and acquiring competitors) until there's no semblance of sanity left, having gone far past notification fatigue and well into "my job is just checking email and updating tickets now." But management insists that all of those alerts are needed because Joe Bob missed an email... which there are now exponentially more of... and the board is permanently half red anyway because the CTO (bless his sociopathic heart) decreed that 80% is the company standard for alerts and a bunch of stuff just lives there happily so good luck seeing something new.
...I was not expecting to process that particular trauma this evening.
"No, it's the laws that are wrong!"
Maybe if they dredge deep enough they can keep sea level rise in check. 😐
You know what worked for me? Getting passably good at singing the Bowie parts. It's like the parts that want to get stuck are in opposition with the Bowie parts and there's some mental tussling then suddenly the song is over and you're free.
It also works well at confusing the shit out of people at parties who all want to sing along yet seemingly never got the memo that the song is a duet.