I make my own iced coffee so I can chug it quickly.
I love happy endings.
Every James Bond movie be like
Wait, is this implying death only appears after you die, like the fly? So the guy is already dead!
It's just people with ADHD doing things they think only people with ADHD do... No, it's normal.
As a gay guy, Margot is pretty hot, but she's no Robert De Niro.
Some sluts are sad.
Parks and Rec
I have used swipe keyboard since 2011.
I just created a Catbox account since everyone in this thread has been mentioning it. It allows me to create an album after uploading images to my account and I can add a description. But I can't customize the order the album lists the pictures or place a description on specific pictures.
I just did this
Edit: for some reason it's acting like the link a a lemmy instance? It works if I paste it in my browser.. Edit 2: okay thunder app and connect app consider the /c/a Lemmy page, while Voyager has no issue
You mean dumbasses that read garbage tabloids.