You keep blithely asserting that PR is dealing with extremism well. We disagree on this. You haven't said anything new. I don't think forcing a bunch of other parties to try to work around excluding almost a quarter of the seats is particularly good politics.
Look at the UK, where Brexit was pushed through by a Conservative Party captured by its extreme wing, despite most citizens eventually opposing it.
That's a wildly incorrect misremembering of history, the majority of Britons explicitly voted for Brexit in a referendum about it. I know that despite demanding more representation you hate the results of people being asked things directly, but it's pretty hard to argue that Brexit was against their will.
Your claim that PR coalitions can’t create “significant legislation” contradicts international evidence.
Honestly, just read to the end of the paragraph where I made this point. I'm not in the habit of repeating myself.
as we’ve seen repeatedly in the UK, US, and increasingly in Canada.
This is a nonsense reading. You compare a country with a fundamentally different set up, one where the extreme party is fairly moderate by the PR standards AND enjoys less support than extreme parties in PR countries and then our Conservative party, which is nowhere near as extreme as the extremist parties sprouting like mushrooms in PR systems. To put these examples in the same basket as the PR extremism is childishly ignorant and demonstrates you either have no clue about the subject matter or that you are willing to ignore reality to make a point poorly. I'm not sure which is worse.
Like I said, I take the rise of these parties in Canada as an unacceptable risk to the vulnerable AND that these reflect growing dissatisfaction within the countries you wish for us to emulate.
You may not care about the vulnerable, I do.
If I were on Carney's comms team, I'd be giggling, high fiving and writing up attack lines for Carney to crucify him on this. The EU and UK are moving towards essentially having tarrifs for countries without industrial carbon pricing.
With the US being a dumpster fire, making it harder to trade with our actual allies is about as boneheaded a move as you can imagine.
I guess, from his perspective it's worth it so he can say "ax the tax."
Edit: Whoops, meant costs on countries without a carbon tax. Thanks Mongostein!