
joined 2 weeks ago

Turns out it was actually and indeed up inside my asshole. Thanks for the help!

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

One time I accidentally fell dick-first into your mom and got stuck. I tried to get up but her gravitational pull was so great that it kept pulling me right back in. After several attempts to get unstuck, the thrusting motion accidentally made me cum in her and I couldn't stop cumming so it was like a waterhose filled with cum and it kept spewing everywhere. The cum then started cumming out faster and before I knew it I was being launched into the stratosphere.

Cum won.


and I mean a full-on wrought iron butt that was always attached and you don't even have a spare regular butt to swap out and enjoy on weekends




My mom said I could make a post but I don't know what to post about and I don't want to waste my post on something stupid so I guess I'll just say that cum will win.




Cum will win.


I've never been matched by a woman on bumble or been on a date or so much as held hands before but it might be a good idea to start thinking about it just in case.

Here's what I've come up with so far:

  • Are boobs magnetic?
  • How do you fix the Void Linux dual monitor screen flicker bug on mesa without installing Wayland?
  • Cum will win
  • What is the length and girth of your penis and are you cut or uncut and what does your ballsack look like?
  • Does having boobs create a time dilation effect like what happens in wormholes?
  • Are female buttholes round or square?
  • Would you rather fight 100 poop sized cums or 100 cum sized poops?

Hopefully these thoughtful and respectful questions will prompt several deep and meaningful discussions. If anyone has any better ideas let me know.

If your weekend plans consisted of pooping and cumming a lot you can still do that, just give it to me after you're done playing with it.

PSA: Cum will win (
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by to c/

That is all


Cum will win

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Must be nice living somewhere that you can afford to get foreign obstructions removed from your asshole every other weekend along with a complimentary blowjob.


I've never once seen anyone take preventative measure to keep them from flying away, but it never seems to happen. Maybe the media is brushing it under the rug like that time Joe Biden pooped his pants?

Cum will win.


Cum will win

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

the only times i've ever been employed and made a livable wage while doing it was at a job with policies like this, and it was because I was basically the only employee they had ever found that could comply with such absurd expectations. You have to miss a day at some point sooner or later. Which is why I no longer work there. Was being able to have that one dentist appointment 6 years ago worth it? No it was not.

share your x11 and wayland configs. Unless you're one of those people that only needs 1 of them and hasn't figured out how tf to get all that shit to work.

op either was unable to get hicolor graphics drivers to work or prefers the solid blue bar to the blue/light blue gradient. Back in the day this was known as being a noob. Now where did I put my dentures..?


Cum will win

You gotta get consent first for everything these days even wiping your own ass. One time I liked a facebook photo with a woman in it without asking for consent and someone found out. The fallout was so intense that I had to leave town and start a new life. Another time I asked a woman for consent to wipe my own ass and she called the cops on me. MY BAD, I forgot to ask for consent to ask consent FIRST.

Cum will win.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Last time I tried to get through airport security with a baggie of my own shit I got in trouble.

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