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[–] 7 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Their brand of diversity is some bs anyways so you don't have to be pro Disney.

Remember, they gladly took help from a Chinese concentration camp to make their girl boss Mulan remake.

They also fired all their park workers during covid and gave themselves 10 million bonuses while their workers were surviving on food stamps. Some workers had even signed non compete clauses so they literally could not use their talents elsewhere to feed themselves.

Further more, Disneys current version of DEI is divisive, soulless and insincere.

It isn't a black or white situation. You can hate Disney AND MAGA. To me, they are all two sides of the same rotten coin. Ruthless, selfish and greedy people who use others to get ahead and pull the ladder up after themselves.

[–] 3 points 9 hours ago

Det er ikke en tosset ide! Jeg har trods alt lidt billeder af os sammen de få gange vi har været på besøg hos hinanden så der ville nok være lidt hyggeligt for hende at have.

Og tak! Jeg er også sikker på at når jeg vender tilbage til et normalt næringsindtag så vil jeg også kunne se på det hele i et lidt mere positivt lys. Jeg er ikke sådan rigtig sur eller negativ. Bare lidt rådden i kanterne. Det udmunder sig mest i at jeg morer mig over min egen tåbelighed og søger at være lidt for mig selv. Jeg er en moræneål i en grotte der griner ad sig selv.

Håber du har en god fredag!🤗

[–] 9 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (2 children)

Humøret er egentlig fint, men udmattelsen er total. Der er nu ni dage tilbage af Ramadanen og jeg når vist ikke helt i mål med mit skitsebogsprokekt til min veninde. Samtidig bukker jeg under hver dag efter arbejde og sover til middag, hvilket ikke er noget jeg gør normalt overhovedet. Trods al elendigheden formår jeg alligevel at gå på arbejde hver dag og lave det jeg skal lave, gå hjem, crashe, stå op igen og arbejde på den fjollede bog selvom det på nuværende tidspunkt er ekstremt svært at komme på noget sjovt at skrive eller tegne.

Jeg tror måske jeg ender med at mangle 20 sider når min veninde endelig lander i Danmark, men min plan b er at holde bogen hemmelig hele ugen mens hun er her og forsøge at lave den færdig og give den til hende inden hun skal hjem.

Og derefter vil jeg højtideligt sværge aldrig at gøre sådan noget igen - og jeg kender mig selv godt nok til at vide at jeg nok en dag vil gøre noget lignende igen. Jeg elsker at kaste mig ud i dumme udfordringer som jeg fortryder halvvejs igennem projektet fordi det nakker mig på den ene eller den anden måde. Kan huske engang jeg besluttede mig for at lave 150 squats, 150 burpees, 150 sit ups og 150 et eller andet andet jeg ikke længere kan huske på under 30 minutter og jeg græd på halvvejen og indtil jeg var i mål på 29 minutter.

Kan være jeg skulle prøve at kaste mig over et fitness eventyr efter alt det her. Kunne godt bruge at få rørt de gamle knogler, men nu ser vi hvad det bliver til.

[–] 5 points 19 hours ago

Tillykke med dimissionen! Pøj pøj med festen! Håber ikke det ruinerer dig helt!

[–] 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Musk has never been a genius. He's a rich nepo baby who has purchased other people's hard work and passed it off as his own. For years. He has never developed or created anything himself. Being super rich and buying promising start ups only to tank them and ruin the lives of the people who were invested in the business does not demand many IQ points. The drugs could certainly have chopped off a few more points, but do not tell me this man is or ever was a genius. He is a conman. The shit he does with the US government currently is literally what he's done with everything he's touched in his career. He buys his way in and plunders it from the inside until it no longer serves him and then he moves on to the next thing.

There is a reason why I call him a human cancer.

[–] 7 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

I still find it hilarious that he supposedly has a 165 IQ when everytime he opens his mouth he sounds so unintelligent and stumbles over words and uses meme language. I have never heard that man say a single intelligent thing in all the time I have known of his existence.

I wonder what Chinese bloke he hired to take his IQ test for him.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Had to look it up as I don't really play video games. Based purely on the designs I saw of Odin and Thor, I'm not particularly thrilled about that one either. Maybe the games themselves are super faithful to Norse mythology and the designs are just an oopsie. I dunno.

Generally it seems like Americans interpret Norse Mythology in a very materialistic way. It is always to polished and over the top when they depict Norse gods. To most Scandinavians, Norse mythology and folklore too, is completely and utterly intertwined with nature. It is gnarled, ugly and brutal as well as delicate, beautiful and poetic.

Odin can be a bombastic god adorned in armor and riding Sleipner into battle, sure. But most depictions of him in Scandinavia is the unassuming cloaked stranger with the staff and the hat or hood.

And that is kind of how most gods and jotuns are for us. Everyday people with everyday problems that are just a bit more extraordinary than ours. It is easier to relate to and it is more authentic. I haven't yet seen an American depiction of Norse mythology or culture that isn't just complete and utter nonsense that only cares about looking cool. I think one of the best depictions of Norse mythology, culture and folklore are the ones done by Erik Hjorth Nielsen. That man gets it. Probably because it is his culture too.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

It has its moments for sure. I still don't know what mythology is more crazy, Norse or Greek. Probably Greek.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

In Danish cancer is "kræft" while crab is "krabbe" so kræftedme refers to getting eaten by the sickness. Could potentially also refer to strength as kræft/kraft also refer to physical strength, but I'm pretty sure it refers to the sickness.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago

I get a similar tick when some people claim that The Little Mermaid takes place in Denmark because it was written by HC Andersen. No, it literally doesn't. We don't have palm trees and mountains like the ones in the movie. And even in the original fairytale from the 1800s, it is very heavily implied that the prince lives in a fairytale country that borrows from the Mediterranean, Middle East and India. Even in the original illustrations for the story, there are palm trees and a arab looking palace in the background of one of the illustrations.

HC wanted to put the reader in the mermaids place. Give them the same longing for another world that she had. If he had set thr story in Copenhagen it wouldn't have captured the imagination of 1800s Dane the same way. He managed to make these gorgeous descriptions of the strange and beautiful country the prince is from. There is a reason why Edmund Dulac designed the prince the way he did in his illustration work for the story in the early 1900s.

[–] 26 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (10 children)

As a Dane, I have had many a non Scandinavian try and educate me on Norse mythology too and their knowledge is based on those godawful Marvel movies and comics.

They usually get very confused when they learn that Thor and Loki aren't brothers. That Loki and Odin are the ones who are blood brothers. It's like it doesn't compute in their heads. And for those who don't know, blood brothers in old scandinavian culture was two men slicing their hands and clasping their wounded hands together to mix blood. That was a way to forge an alliance and an oath of loyalty as strong as if you came out of the same womb. I'm pretty sure it was still practiced in more recent times as well. Probably died out when AIDS became the big scary thing, but I dunno. I just have vague memories of older people telling me about doing the blood oath when they were young.

In any case, it is just super fun to have your culture reduced to a cringe American comic book where Thor looks nothing like Thor and Valhalla looks like ass and literally none of the gods look right according to their descriptions in mythology. Couldn't even give Sif her golden hair, could they?

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Maybe some of the people who move away from the US are also doing their part to help their country in ways you haven't thought of? They can still advocate for their values and beliefs even of they don't live in the country. You have a very limited scope on what people are doing and not doing in this situation. You might benefit from calming your ego a little bit and consider that your way isn't the only way to combat a facistic leader.

It's good that you try and do your part, I just dislike your superiority complex about it and how you blindly judge anyone who reacts differently than what you deem the right way to handle the situation.

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