
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 37 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This feels like the modern version of those people who gave out the numbers on their credit cards back in the 2000s and would freak out when their bank accounts got drained.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Som med alt i livet er trump en unuanceret torsk. Jeg tror at de fleste af os, der foragtede de sidste ti års diversitetspropaganda foragtede den version af det, som kørte den helt ud i det hysteriske og vi foretrak at diversistet blot var noget, der fik lov at være der naturligt uden at virksomheder og aktivister kæftede op om det hele tiden, på bekostning af produkter og kunst og sågar menneskers merit.

Trumps forståelse af det hele er at alle former for diversitet er forkert og skal fjernes. Ikke flere farvede mennesker nogle steder, ikke nogen trans og homoseksuelle nogen steder og ingen kvinder nogen steder. De skal fjernes og have deres rettigheder taget fra dem og virksomhederne skal holde op med at hyre dem og på nogen måde snakke om at støtte op om bestemte mærkesager. Fx kunne jeg godt forestille mig at Trump ville anse en brystkræftkampagne som diversitetspropaganda fordi det er så amøbeagtig hans hjerne er.

Og selv sidder jeg her efter ti års irritation over mediernes militante diversitetspis og hader Trumps håndtering af det endnu mere. Nogle gange har jeg lyst til at skrige over at ekstremister er dem der får talerstolen konstant og at balancerede og moderate holdninger systematisk er blevet udskammet og tiet ihjel af henholdsvis klovnene på den ene yderkant og nu klovnene på den anden yderkant. De bruger hinandens ekstremisme til at retfærdiggøre deres egen og det er os normale mennesker i midten der taber.

Knep en kost, Trump.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

When you have to write down numbers, but the person reading you the numbers speaks slowly 💀

Them: "Two..."

Me: "2"

Them: "... and fifty"

Me: "... ~~2~~ - 52"

Them: "Six..."

Me: "6"

Them: "... and twenty."

Me: "~~6~~ - 26"


[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Found the swede xD ❤️

[–] 27 points 1 week ago (20 children)

That meme is so lame. 92 in Danish is two and a half fives. The 20 part is old-fashioned and literally nobody has used that since the 1800s.

2 and a half fives' twentieth = outdated cringe. 2 and a half fives = actually how it is said today.

It's still a friggin nightmare to get someone's Phone number verbally, though.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Har netop lyttet til den nyeste episode af Creepcast, hvor de læser Dagon's Mirror, en sprit ny creepypasta fra sidste år, der er skrevet som om Lovecraft selv er vendt tilbage fra de døde for at tilføje endnu en fortælling til sit univers.

På samme måde som nogle mennesker går til vinsmagning, var denne historie som at være til en ordsmagning. Forfatteren formår virkelig at bruge sproget så oplevelsen bliver taktil og levende. Har lyttet til episoden to-tre gange og keder mig endnu ikke.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

Indeed. I deleted my reddit account recently. I like it better here anyways. The pace is slower and the people seem more reasonable here too. My stress levels have decreased significantly since I left Meta and Reddit and that is at once wonderful and scary. Social media is a cancer.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Ja, jeg har også godt hørt om en landmand der nedlagde sin svineavl for at gro grøntsager i stedet for. Kan ikke lige huske hvad han hed, men han var ung og fremadtænkende. Min kæreste har mange gange sagt at han tror på at fremtidens landmænd vil være mere miljøbevidste fordi de yngre generationer bekymrer sig mere om det end de gamle. Han mener at forandringen vil komme med et generationsskift, men det tager selvfølgelig tid og penge at omlægge sit landbrug og det har jeg også fuld respekt for ikke lige sker natten over. Men ja, klynkehovederne imellem de fornuftige landmænd, har jeg intet til overs for og det er primært dem jeg taler om når jeg skælder ud på landmændene.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Solidarity hug! I hope we will all have a better future ahead of us than the current trajectory. 🤗❤️

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Jeg synes at landmændene skulle til at tage klima og miljø yderst alvorligt. Naturens dyr er begyndt at søge mod byerne fordi der ikke længere er mad nok til at de kan overleve i naturen. Og man må jo spørge sig selv - hvilken natur? Hvor er den blevet af?

Jeg synes landmændene skulle tage at stikke piben ind og tage deres ansvar i stedet for at græde og skabe sig. Det er pinligt at være vidne til.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Honestly, there is no need for any of us to bomb the US when the US government pretty much does that already.

For what it is worth, I hope your friends find better lives to where ever they have relocated. I also hope that you find a way to live that is happy and peaceful in spite of what is happening in your country.

I am currently preparing myself for a semi-perminent state of war in Europe where Russia will terrorize in the east and America will terrorize in the west. I hope that it won't get that far, but I am also preparing myself for my country being possibly invaded by America. Hopefully this won't happen, but the way things are moving, I'm starting to preparing myself for it.

I feel sad for the kids who have to grow up in this scenario. I hope my own nieces and nephews will get to experience a peaceful Europe again someday. The only good thing to come out of this is is that we have been forced to stand up for ourselves instead of relying on others. It was weak of us to believe that the rest of the world learned the same lessons during ww2 that we did. Russia obviously didn't and neither did America. Where our takeaway from ww2 was humility, responsibility and forgiveness, the US spent decades making romantic war movies where they cast themselves as the heroes of ww2. It was always about glory and ego for the US. There was very little in understanding of the cost of that war and that makes sense because it didn't happen in your backyard. And maybe that is why your country loves war so much. Because war never happens to you. It is something you inflict on others or use to make yourselves richer. (I don't mean you personally, I'm talking about the institution)

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Ah, don't worry. I do not hold the American people responsible for what has happened to your country. When it comes down to it, the individual American has very little say in what it's government is doing and in my opinion, your government has been very successful in manipulating its population into believing in a very untrue and very romantic image of how America is and how it is perceived in the world at large.

So don't apologize. You can't help where you were born and raised, neither can the rest of the world's population. I cant help that i was born and raised in a country that decided to spy on its european neighbors for America and i would be very annoyed if people online blamed me personally for what some retards in charge have decided to do. If anything, my sympathies goes out to people like you who are trapped in that hellhole. I do hope this is just a very unfortunate stumble in American history and that your country will return to form and eventually evolve socially like I have wished for you for decades.

I will be honest, I have very few nice things to say about America, long before trump even came on my radar. I have despised America for most of my life, but I don't hate all Americans. At all. It's not your fault your country is built on a system that caters to the rich and teaches its people that all things that are good for the people is evil communism while all things good for the 1% is good for everybody. You guys deserves so much better.

America as an institution and a public face on the world scene, however, I have no love for. I never had and I wasn't surprised when it decided to stab us in the back the moment we needed it despite us bleeding money and young men's blood for the American institution for 20 years. I am not surprised that we are being treated this way. It fits perfectly with the American playbook I have witnessed since I was a kid and saw Bush use 911 to invade the middle east and high key sent a message to the rest of us that if we weren't on America's side we would be their enemy. Which is partially why I think we ended up joining you in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But no, I'm not surprised that this is our reward for bleeding for the American institution. Threats of annexing our territory, childish insults to our politicians, abandoning Ukraine and making friends with Russia. America has only ever cared about its own interests while pretending to be the world hero. All trump did was going mask off and that must be a shock to some Americans who believed the American institution was good and selfless.

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