Haha, society bad
Airdrop some drop bears mate
Schatz, stimmt etwas nicht? Du hast dein frittierte Fischabfälle Jenga noch gar nicht angefasst.
A Japanese spider crab
Oh, my God, this man is my exact double! That dog has a fluffy tail!
I actually also quite like Ethan Peck's Spock. Wonderfully cast. But of course Nimoy is still the best.
Das ist der § 183a StGB-osaurus
That's what you get for giving fire to the humans! If you wood have stayed a little bit more in line, live wouldn't be this hard for you.
The flag says he is British but in fact he's French
Der ist so ein Otto geworden...
If the market clears the price is equal to the marginal utility of getting licked