Also da muss ich hinter dir stehen. Natürlich muss man auch an die Vermögenden heran, wie wir es in der Geschichte schon immer mussten. Diese Gehälter finde ich allerdings auch überzogen und geredet wird darüber nicht wirklich. Im Jung und Naiv Podcast wird ab und zu mal über so etwas geredet. Dort scheint unsere Meinung aber schon allgemeiner Konsens zu sein, also ist das Thema eher schon abgehakt.
Okay what is nhd and ngs? When I'm horny for aerial imagery, I'm usually browsing Landsat and Sentinel archives.
That dude in the back got a mouth I most definitely do not want to kiss.
I would go this route as well. As a developer this sounds easy enough. It you don't get vertical sequences of images, but instead a grid of images, then I would apply traditional image stitching techniques. There are tons of libraries for that on github.
All of them at once while saying the words.
Thanks a bunch :)
Yes, exactly. I don't understand their need for content on a site. Shouldn't it be enough from their point of view to have a as most sites as possible integrating their ads? Why bother about the content?
Great article on Google Adsense :) I accidentally clicked on one of the ads. Enjoy the extra penny.
Oh solch eine öffentlich zugängliche Datenbank wäre schön.
Yes 😄 though I like the simplicity of it.
I've had the logitech ergo k860 for a little over a year now. So far everything got better after my first period of wrist and arm pain. However, now it's getting back and I'm also open for new suggestions.
So far my research has led me to the conclusion that no all-inclusive ergonomic keyboard exists that fulfills all requirements to an ergonomic keyboard.
Also, perhaps you want to switch from a flat mouse to a vertical mouse or perhaps even a ball mouse or a bar mouse.
Gibt's da keine öffentliche Tabellen? Pflege ist doch in der Regel über Tarif und Verdi.