Also da muss ich hinter dir stehen. Natürlich muss man auch an die Vermögenden heran, wie wir es in der Geschichte schon immer mussten. Diese Gehälter finde ich allerdings auch überzogen und geredet wird darüber nicht wirklich. Im Jung und Naiv Podcast wird ab und zu mal über so etwas geredet. Dort scheint unsere Meinung aber schon allgemeiner Konsens zu sein, also ist das Thema eher schon abgehakt.
That dude in the back got a mouth I most definitely do not want to kiss.
Ja, es liegt auf der Hand. Ich sehe nur nicht wie aktiv etwas dagegen unternommen wird.
Thanks a bunch :)
Exhausting is a good description. I don't mind people seeing me from time to time when i feel like it. But man I am so much more tired when having the camera on after and during a meeting.
Great article on Google Adsense :) I accidentally clicked on one of the ads. Enjoy the extra penny.
Definitely crashable. I have to touch it with silk gloves. The T joints lack glue and are pushed apart by the inserted Kumiko frames, because my measurements were a little off. I'm happy it stands as it does 😁
I think/hope that the wording you used was a mistake.
End to end tests do not introduce flakiness, but uncover it.
Whenever we discover flakiness, we try to fix it immediately. When there is no time for the fix (which is more than often the case) we create a ticket that vanishes in the backlog.
For a long time the company I currently work at didn't have end to end tests save unit tests for a lot of their code.
Through a push of newcomers we finally managed to add end to end tests to many more parts of the code. However, these are still not properly documented. Some end to end tests overlap and some only cover a small part of one larger functionality. That is why we often find bugs that were introduced by us, because we had no end to end tests covering those parts.
We used to run end end tests only every night on the whole product. They usually take an hour or more to complete. This takes too long to run them before each merge. However, we have them organized enough such that for sub-product A we can run the sub-product A end to end tests only before each merge where we assume that we did only touch code affecting sub-product A. In case the code changes affected some other parts of the product, the nightly tests help us out. We are doing this in my team for a long while now. But we just recently started to establish this procedure in the other teams of the company, too.
Just a bit of a luckshot 😄
Just slowly teach the fluff that this is okay and normal and at some point she will ~~accept~~ endure.
Im on my last book of the wheel of time audiobook! Took me about two years to arrive here, maybe even more. It's superb! I hope to finish it before our child is born in August, so I can start with the next, rading it on my Kindle. Really can't wait to get to the end of it. The whole last three book reads like waiting on the next episode of a series. Constant cliffhangers. The next book will be the second and later books of the sounds of hyperion.
Ja, wie mögen wir die Insel nennen, ringsherum mit schönem Strand?