They have one sigint satellite Olymp-K creeping around up there, why not a second that doesn't have a Wikipedia article
You can't really grow the same crop in the same field season after season (without fertiliser), because they'll sap the specific nutrients they need from the soil. If you do that over and over eventually the soil wont have any food for that crop. Growing something different each season that takes different nutrients from the soil lets it recover the other ones. I don't know how it recovers on its own, circle of life stuff probably. Modern farming can cheat by artificially replenishing the nutrients with fertiliser.
Could just be sitting sort of cross legged with his right leg tucked in underneath
Flight MH17
The radioactive source isn't used for power in smoke detectors, it's used to detect smoke. What small scale devices use radioactivity actually for power?
Some phones can already do that, like wireless powershare (Samsung)
Not in elementary school
Where do you work where you get "top marks"?
In my head it was Elon who sketched the truck and told everyone "make that exactly how I drew it"
It's a really good film from 1984 about nuclear war