Wo ist Guido, wenn man ihn (nicht) braucht?
I dearly hope they add the AT mines from the first game back in. You could upgrade the normal mines to also damage/destroy bug tanks and the like and these just slayed if you were one or two divers short. Short cooldown, deployed in a wide line (not circular like it is now) and devastating - my favourite stratagem. Unexploded ordnance disposal? Just add more unexploded ordnance to the perimeter!
Außer, die beiden 8GB-Riegel sind Schrott ist es generell kein Problem auf 4 aufzurüsten. Für den Otto-Normalverbraucher dürfte sich die Performance nicht großartig auswirken. Im Idealfall würde ich nochmal die gleichen Modelle verbauen, zumindest aber die gleiche Taktung (die 4-stellige Zahl nach DDR-4 bzw. 5). Ich bin allerdings auch kein Computertechniker.
What? Why would deglorifying Columbus lead to stalin-worship?
Das ist Absicht. Falls die Österreicher einmarschieren, sollen sie nicht wissen ob wir es mitbekommen oder nicht.
Certainly not a computer expert, but consider the option that the battery on your motherboard might be running low. If the hardware itself is older, I would try swapping the button cell. I've seen many weird issues get resolved this way, although in theory it should not mess up anything but system time.
Ich sehe, ein Ewigkeitsnutzer.
Bedenkt man die frühen Bilder des Krieges, stünde die 2. Ukrainische Trekkerkompanie so nächste Woche in Moskau.
It appears that a number of people in this comment section just downvote everyone that does not use deodorant for any reason. As a test: Deodorant never quite grew on me, I started hating the rather extreme and sometimes even pungent smell as a teenager. I shower (twice) daily to every third day depending on season, daily routine and other factors.
I suppose it's more of a "that's when they start binding the meat of the lifetime-CO2-stored. Remember, trees also burn quite a bit of their previously fixated CO2 for energy. Perhaps the amount of CO2 fixed in the first 30 years pales in comparison to that of the next 30?
I know this was not your intention and I really appreciate handiwork, but please DO NOT wear this in Germany. The eagle combined with the T-shaped symbols and the brown-white colours look a bit like something Thor Steinar would make.
Other than that it looks incredibly professional! I hope it keeps you warm, 'cause it looks most comfortable!