Even the clothes were unimpressed.
That's strange to me. I remember, and still think of, amazon as a marketplace. I bought used books and video games as my first purchases, waaaaay back when. You would have to sort out the prices and compare them to the listed 'condition' of the purchase, trying to figure out whether 'like new' condition was worth the $3 price jump over 'good' condition.
It reminds me of the welded-in-a-barn APC that the cartels in mexico have.
Oh. Oh, you poor innocent soul. Sometimes I wish for the days of fancy and wonder to come back to me. You keep thinking the best thoughts!
Pretty sure the Iceland thing proved that one. When they made extracurriculars like athletics or clubs mandatory (and obviously supported it so it wasn't a giant effort for the families), teen alcohol/drug addiction dropped handily.
Lol. The best part is, the name comes from the area being a huge salt dome, which tracks because these school administrators are obviously super salty.
Texas is very much a purple area. It could completely flip blue in certain areas, which is why you might have noted all the efforts to suppress the vote at the state level, such as throwing out Houston's votes.
Shoot, they won't just be posting a tl;dr, but a commentary on it, and sometimes really good context from their field or experience. It's basically the article, but written by a more intelligent journalist who is a part of whatever is being reported on, not just observing from interviews and phone calls (and lame corporate website 'about us' pages).
I think you may be making a mountain out of a mole hill. If they're asking you to make him take it, we all know that's a violation of informed consent to medical treatment laws/practices/standards. It doesn't sound like that though. It seems as if they just want you to document whether the patient takes it or not. If they're alert and oriented, it should be obvious when you give it to them whether or not that happens within, say 10 seconds. 10 seconds isn't really invasive. If the patient gets upset that you're watching him take it for that long, pass it off as you're just documenting whether or not he took it.
If they are wanting you to make the patient take it, well... bring up concerns to a supervisor you trust, and chart that you spent time trying to convince the patient to take the medication (better known as, the 5 seconds you talked to the patient about this being a doctor's orders for medication).
I don't necessarily disagree with the reasons behind your conclusion, but it costs more to execute a prisoner than to house them for life. The nature of the death penalty means that every appeal must be heard and fought through, which is one reason why it takes so long to kill them after conviction. All of those people involved in that process are thus being dragged away from other things they could be doing.
About the only time an execution occurs quickly is if the individual decides not to appeal. Rare, understandably. The other option would be to ignore the appeals process, and frankly we have already executed too many innocents for any person, even those who believe in the death penalty, to believe that would be justice.
Yes, there are some who say that. They get agreed with in person, ignored at the local party/voting level, scoffed at by media, screamed at in general on the internet, and scolded on places like lemmy or reddit (if not screamed at). There are policies that I like that for some reason have to be lumped in with policies I detest no matter which party I look at. One party (fucking GOP) is way worse than the other, but try to have a rational discussion with anonymous or outside-of-your-social-circle people, and any criticisms of a party are like blaspheming their god.
As much as I'd love to see that, the likelihood of it happening is low. The boards move on public opinion and consensus. The public they care about may be only other doctors, but as we've seen since covid, there are plenty of doctors who listened to Ozzy and boarded the crazy train.