Leave immediately
Aside from the obvious, has anyone noticed, that those stairs lead to a wall?
Do it! It's a fantastic science, with ever expanding horizons! That being said, if working in the field is a bit too much, amateur astronomy is a fabulous and friendly hobby - if a bit expensive
When last I looked, something akin to hardtack was what Tolkien had in mind. As for a recipe, I recommend looking to the Scandinavians
That's some exceptionally excellent handwriting
Teens buy saliva nowadays? Idk, maybe it's my advancing millennial age, but why would anyone buy saliva? Blech 🤢
Hundreds of decimals? Wow, that's at least ten! Maybe even twenty!
This is a very good paraphrase from an excellent series, Yes Prime Minister (formerly Yes Minister). In the scene, the Prime Minister (dude in the middle) is explaining to the Permanent Secretary (dude on the left) the difference between the various English newspapers. The Permanent Secretary is famous for giving lengthy and exceptionally convoluted monologues in which he says nearly nothing
No ifs ands or buts: nationalise it!
Is that really the first thing that comes to mind? Wasting money?
36 / M / Canada. I fit