Wat is die Jan Valtze van de PVV een grap zeg, hij ziet niet dat de dreigementen uit amerika een reel risico zijn, hij wil niet over geopolitiek debatteren terwijl het migreren van de overheids software van amerika naar europa een direct gevolg is van de geopolitiek. Al die ministers van de PVV zo'n amateuristisch eigen belangende partij, kijk naar Faber die naar nul adviezen luistert, wat alleen maar meer tijd gaat kosten, kijk naar Emiel van Dijk, die wil dat 6 gevangenen op 1 cel komen met te korten aan cipiers en die niet inziet dat dit tot onrust en gevaarlijke situaties kan leiden... Are u kidding me lmao te dom om te poepen
joined 1 week ago
Fr netanyahu has to step down at least asap, he should’ve invited a palestinian to rule together in the area to set an example for peace before all the october drama happened… but he’s only power horny for himself and doesnt care about anyone else apparently, hope israelis protest him away
At least they are still respecting the ICC ... 👍
Thankgod we're already working hard on that...
Russia can only keep up this pace of operations for 6 months to 1 year at most and that's it.
So then you have 3 years of war, at the expense of your own economy, at the expense of your own population, at the expense of a million dead, and you conquered only 20% of Ukraine.
That's it, then the manpower runs out. Russia is already arriving with tanks coming from the year 1955.
Ukraine is also able to produce 40% what they need themselves right now. They have 1.4 million drones, they have 2 factories of rare metal in Ukraine that produces munitions, more than america produces now, and Ukraine's production is only going to get more. So it's also not like russia is on top here despite north korea despite all the other support. So both sides are not going well, it's a wear and tear.