Does Russia have a King Gay who leads the LGBT movement there?
Ha ha ha.
History teachers will only be teaching the approved curriculum about how God Emperor Trump the First blessed us with his presence to purge the world of the Satan led Communist Woke Transgender Army™.
To suggest anything else happened, even in jest, is a treasonous executable act good sir, and you have been reported to the X Office of Wrongthink.
I do thank you for the opportunity as it means my family will have enough rationa for the month thanks tonthe reward program.
Reminds me of the "Lets Go Brandon" crap.
Like, if you really dislike Biden, just say "Fuck Joe Biden.". I have zero issue saying "Fuck Trump," because, fuck trump.
Locally in Illinois there were also these signs everywhere that said "Pritzker Sucks" in huge letters, then at the bottom in tiny print "the life out of small business."
Like seriously, I am less disgusted by your stance, than I am about your pussy ass lack of conviction.
"Tyranny is only when the evil Commie Leftists tell you that its wrong to call peoppe by slurs."
-- Average 2A supporter mindset
What do you mean no safety net? They just live with and serve their husbands. He is the safety net.
The world really kind of needs more buckets besides "NSFW and SFW".
Also, frankly, I think sexual repression is just a HUGE part of the control mechanisms these people employ. Basically, "joy" is seen as a "sin" because there should "only be joy in God" or some stupid bull shit. You are supposed to take bride in being as missrable as possible so in the afterlife you will get eternal joy or whatever.
Go on...
Its also, honestly, just really hard to find people on Mastodon.
I even purposely avoided the free Fortnite Cybertruck.
I don't know if its accurate but a long while ago (like, maybe the 90s) Invaguely remeber hearing something along the lines of, "No super power in the world has ever lasted more than 200 years".
Basically in the context that the US was overdue.