For real. The regulations are the "reasonable" standards. If you can't meet the bare minimum you can fuck off.
Dude, the '96 Immigration Act went into effect right around the same time his mama was arrested for stealing drugs from her work. We've tried this shit already and it doesn't work.
But sure, focus on "hurting the right people" instead of actually supporting orphaned kids or those suffering from addiction. I know he's dog whisting, but come the fuck on. We desperately need to fund public education to counter the indoctrinated fear held by people that still eat this shit up.
They don't exist, JD, and if they did they're sure as fuck aren't censoring you considering I can read this bullshit.
Wasn't Samsung caught faking hi-res moon photos?
More at fault... are you serious?
This happened at a residential intersection with easily visible traffic lights and straight roads. This road looks hardly hazardous under normal traffic conditions.
She was going almost double the speed limit while likely impaired by alcohol. She is well beyond an unlucky idiot.
One follow up question would be: are Russia's nukes maintained well enough to be functional?
Agreed, seems like some kind of weights and measures violation.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
Maybe it's because I don't really know anyone passionate on either side of this issue, but I've never heard of this argument. I know you said it's a bad faith argument, but I can't really imagine what a cyclist's fair share would be aside from maybe widening a road to add a bike lane lol
He directly promoted the transphobic film 'What is a Woman?'. Not sure if he's publicly done more than that, but his trans daughter doesn't want to be related to him at all and changed her name accordingly.
For real, straight up looks like a ghoul in that photo
I'd take a trip to the local septic permitting agency and see if I could get copies of the permit and approved septic system design/as-built site plans. The inspector will probably be able to tell you if you need it or not.
It might be a vent for the leach field although that's not common where I'm from. I guess it could also be a marker for a distribution box or some other system component.
I'm sure you're aware, but that's pretty dangerous. You will most likely have pretty bad a neck injury if you get into a wreck. It might be worth upgrading the seat to one that fits you better.