[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 9 points 10 months ago

100%, music. Get on a music service (not a video service like YouTube) and go listen to genres of music that feel good.

Music that you liked when you were 13
When you were 21, music that reminds you of the good times
Or music that fits how you feel..

Seriously, don't underestimate the power of music. It's literally like magic and has the power to heal, inspire, distract, inform, validate, remind, transport, stimulate, numb, etc.. I became a musician because I wanted to help people through hard times and to be better people, because I realized how powerful and important it is.

Go try old stuff, too, like bob dylan. Or go listen to Linkin Park again like it's 2003. Or go listen through the entire nutcracker suite by Tchaikovsky (i suggest looking for the decca phase 4 London festival orchestra worth robert sharples that was recorded in the 60s https://youtu.be/S7VrwRJ4t-Y?si=cmLUTdUAmg2jw7kr i think it's the one, I'm not sure on my phone where it is on spotify). Or if you want to listen to the same song over and over and that feels good to you, then that's what you should be doing.

Just keep searching and following the good feelings and don't give up, like trying new sexual stuff and not trying for a specific outcome but allowing yourself to be in the moment and feel then sensations.

And feel your feelings. Just find someplace safe, get a good sound source, and let it all rip.. if you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like being mad, be mad. You have to actually process your feelings.

A wise man once said to me, "there's no bad music, only bad timing". If it feels off or wrong, just switch it. It takes courage to try something different sometimes, though, so try not sweat it too much either way, and just remember to breathe.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 21 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I've been thinking a lot about this for the past few years, and have noticed a trend in what games I've found to be actually good.

I noticed three very specific commonalities, and all of them have at least two:

  • Foreign (Non-American)
  • Indie
  • Small studio

Basically all of the good games that I've liked in the past ten years have been at least two of these, and I'm sure if you think about it, the great games you've played have also been this way.

Stop buying big US studio games, their shareholders all require them to maximize their income with really anti-comsumer and predatory designs and practices. You won't have fun, and it'll be expensive.

Go play EDF5 with some friends. It's jank but super fun. 6 is being translated and ported to PC soon.

Raft is great, too.

Talos Principle was fantastic, if not a little melancholy.

And weirdly, Minecraft Java is still good fun. Go check out some of the mod packs like All Of Fabric 6. Host a local server, port forward, play with friends. Literally world-class, free content made by grassroots, passionate developers who do it because they love it.

Valheim was great years ago, and while their development cycle is slow, it's been solid.

But seriously. When somebody refers or suggests a game to you, the first thing you should look at are how they make money, because that is ABSOLUTELY where the industry is at, and has been for a decade now. We used to have centralized talking heads like Total Biscuit who would bring up topics and discussions trying to keep these studios and publishers in their place, but he got taken out too early and now the community is ultra fragmented with no central integrous authority to reference and publishers and studios are out of control with nobody to answer to except investors.

It's like the loss of a union, except it's industry wide.

There are gems out there, but you gotta get past the advertising and learn to smell the bullshit business practices. They don't have to be standard, but remember that gaming has only turned into gambling and Gaming-as-a-Service (GaaS) because credit cards got involved post-purchase as a source of revenue.

Sure, good things come from it, but the trade-offs are entirely insidious and clearly motivating for standardized enshittification. We adults made our own graves by accepting and spending. Sure, even if the money isn't that big of a deal and the content you get might be good, you're voting with your wallet and training a soulless system.

It's ABSOLUTELY a mirror world, just like the media - if you consume, there will be more. Stop buying shit games like Diablo 4. Blizzard can take the hit unfortunately, and if those business practices stopped making as much return as they did, they wouldn't be supportable.

Sure, initial prices would go up, but at least the games wouldn't be ruined with money shops, proprietary currencies, battle passes, and all the other ultra predatory shit that makes them money that ruin gaming.

Reward creators and studios that stick their necks out to make something purely fun, despite their CFO compromising and forcing their developers to implement these practices because otherwise they'd: "be leaving money on the table, and we are a business, after all."

But remember:

  • Foreign
  • Indie
  • Small Studio

These are demographics that are typically more resistant and empowered to make FUN games.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)



[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 11 points 11 months ago

You need to sort out your morals, religion, and philosophy.

You said you believe being trans is wrong, yet support your lgbt friends. You believe being trans is wrong, yet you are trans? Friend, you need to fix yo shit and start putting that religion bigot nonsense to rest. Find god a different way, realize your understanding was wrong, whatever you gotta do. But you need to settle those conflicts. Have a conversation with yourself or something, do it aloud or online or something, because believing your existence is wrong is a really dark and stupid path.

And before you fear what you may find: yes, you may realize that a lot of the people you know and the world are really fucked up and seriously stupid.

But remember: lgbt people have messy lives for a reason and it's not by their choice, and you are never wrong for existing as your authentic self.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 20 points 1 year ago

Apparently he was CEO in mid-2004 when EA bought Renderware and basically killed it.


[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

The name of that bank is literally just "Moneybags"

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 8 points 1 year ago

Fuck Steve Hoffman
Fuck spez

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by SCmSTR@kbin.social to c/pcmasterrace@lemmy.world

First off, tons of people adopted the name and have accepted the existing and earned elitism that goes along with the name.

Personal computers ARE a superior platform and the users ARE and SHOULD be elitist about it for very good reasons: they pay like 10x more. Forcing that image of elite to the forefront all but ensures that the idea that if you spend more you should get more. And in a time where microtransactions and other incredibly abusive and predatory industry practices are taking advantage of gamers without serving them actually good content is on an alarmingly fast rising trend that's set to be the redefinition of gaming VERY SOON, we all need to be fighting for better quality of content, and let the undercutting that brings down price happen later, which is an unfortunate series of truths.

"PC Master Race" is attractive to those who want more and feel good about it, and it's out there. Whether or not we change the name here on Lemmy, is not going to affect that meme. I'm all for coming up with new names, but, unless there are actual fascist behaviors emerging or being actually attracted to the communities and platforms, I very seriously doubt PCMR is going anywhere, anytime soon.

Also, I want to add that, Linux people are even moreso pcmr than most pcmr and nobody thinks they're actual Nazis. Largely people recognize them as mostly power users, which, in the gaming space, often pc users ARE.

The difference is that, Linux users, and pc users in general, WANT you to join us because it makes us ALL stronger. Nazism and fascism is... exclusionary, but console wars stuff is about as serious as sports teams being angry at each other. And even then, pcmr is about deliberance and technology and intelligence, even going as far as to self-depricate if elitism gets too pretentious:

Getting too full of yourself? Blindly following others? Spending tons of money and getting nothing for it? You must be: PCMR!!

Because at the end of the day, people just wanna play video games, and you buy what you can buy, and console peasants and PCMR are still eclipsed by mobile games, the true dregs of gaming society. 🙃

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago

There was an episode of vsauce or veritasium or cgpgrey several years ago that kind of talked about this a little bit. Basically, inside and outside of us, alongside covering all of our things and everything we touch and are around and other people, are all part of an extended network of poop particles and bacteria.

You get sick when new things get past your exterior & interior poop network of bacterial defenses. Same for anyone, anywhere. It's all just how much, how fast, and how far and how new, the new bacteria and viruses get. If it gets too far, too fast, we might die.

But, people are disgusting and COVERED IN POOP BACTERIA AND VIRUSES and so we're all fairly familiar with everything, and nothing is too different.

COVID-19, for example, was very different and spread in large amounts very quickly, I believe it's why it's called a "novel" virus. It was different enough that it just waltzed past all our defenses and killed millions of people. And then, it mutated enough, and quickly enough, that when it came back to us with the new form, our immune systems were like "damn this one virus came in here and caused a ton of damage, but for some reason we don't know exactly what it looks like. Are you that virus or it's relative?" And the mutation was like, "uhhh, no?" And the security guard/immune system was all, "okay, come on through." And it would get us sick again.

Biology is weird and epidemiology is incredibly difficult when half the population is fucking homeschooled and thinks horse dewormer helps this type of thing or that it's fake or something.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 10 points 1 year ago

Tw: rape

You realize that, capitalism, if left EVER unrelated, will use power to endlessly underregulate itself and just gain more power?

This is like saying "firing a gun in my mouth doesn't kill me as long as I live". Sure, it's true I guess, but it's also so, so inherently wrong.

I've been trying to do what you're doing now for so long. But in reality, you have to take a look at what capitalism really is: it's a form of power designation that designates that power with the powerful, or pedantically, with capital, but it's the same thing, for all intents and purposes. And THAT is an unbalanced system from the get-go, right off the bat.

It's also like saying "slave systems are SUPER productive!". Like, sure, they are. But they're also incredibly destructive and prevent a lot of other things from happening.

It's also like saying "a lot of sex happens when you rape somebody". Sure, yes, I guess that's technically a true statement. But.... It's an unwanted power imbalance that hasn't accounted for what would have happened to the victim OR the rapist had they not raped somebody. The rapist could have developed into a normal human being and even fell in love or had a lot of consensual casual sex, and the victim could have stayed not raped and been perfectly happy progressing through their life not raped.

It's just such a half baked, biscuit brained thought and statement. You literally cannot compare our tech right now to the past because technology typically progresses exponentially ANYWAY. You cannot know what would have happened or what would happen if not capitalism, because we've had nothing BUT it for basically all of human history. Every time we even want to try something else, capitalism LITERALLY attacks it with everything it's got and refuses to ever let up until there's nothing but ashes, and a lot of those places are capitalist. Native Americans? IMPERIALISM BECAUSE OF CAPITALISM.

Greed kills selflessness every time in every experiment as long as it exists and is given the smallest chance.

Capitalism is cancer; it just mindless destroys everything in it's path, along with itself, only existing and leeching as long as its host stays alive.

You gotta read some more books and history.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

Ouch my sides. From laughter though, I don't want to increase my premiums.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 19 points 1 year ago

I mean, let's be real: it's a silly joke and I remember that episode. But, many influences, including ZP and TB have explained why desktop isn't so much a master race, but rather the platform that can do it all, better, because it's the only one that you can seriously upgrade, is fully modular, and is doing fully multi purpose. Pcmr people spend way more money on their pc because you CAN get all these things, and they WANT to. And, you don't have to buy the same games over and over.

I dunno, master race is obviously tongue in check, but it's definitely my primary and home platform because of these benefits and many more.

[-] SCmSTR@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago

50k very active users that try to have integrity is a pretty big deal. Because with that will come development of the platform, meanwhile Reddit is going to struggle with a new chapter of shitty moderation and decreased quality. There are also a lot of people burnt out on the issue and so I expect real numbers from the immediate to be more visible over the next month or two.

Plus, which instances are you looking at for those numbers? Are all the lemmy instances and kbin included in those numbers?

Let's just assume that it's going to be about 1% of reddit's userbase. Does it matter which 1%? How will the platforms evolve? Because both are very different now than before, we're seeing realtime changes across a lot of tech and the internet. A lot of faith was lost by the public in many platforms by the people at all paying attention, and a lot of hope was garnished by the successful move to new platforms.

Stuff is definitely changing. I'm curious what big tech is gonna do to try to restore faith, or if they'll try to pretend nothing's happened and try to sweep it under the rug. A lot of people already try to downplay the events into just numbers, but in reality, there are a LOT of eyes watching and waiting to see what happens. People are tired of the same old capitalist bullshit and want something better, it isn't just ex/reddittors, it's Twitter users, Linux users, Amazon users, Netflix users, students with debt, homeowners, and a LOT of young people. People want better and the messed up economic future is making people pay attention more than ever.

It's all interwoven and something's gotta give.

submitted 1 year ago by SCmSTR@kbin.social to c/games@lemmy.world

Home video game consoles have numbered generations.
NES was the third.
We're currently in the 9th generation.
Each generation lasts roughly about 6 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_video_game_console_generations

Is your favorite generation the one from when you first played games? Or is that unrelated and coincidental?

Is there a correlation with strength of a generation and society's financial state (2009 recession's effect on the 7th gen)?

I'm an aspiring developer and trying to answer the age old question of: Are games getting worse? In what aspects yes or no?

They absolutely are getting better audio&video fidelity, but that doesn't mean much to, at least me, if the music is less memorable, the bugs are all patched, everything is over-monetized games as a service, all the assets are generic, and it's all hyper-derivative remakes of remakes. I get that "fun is fun", but once you've played so many games, you look back at games from 2001 and wonder why the only innovations we have are mantling, $20 hats, and Microsoft is buying everything.

There are absolutely good games right now, on the way to par with number of good games of most previous generations. So why does it still feel like everybody I talk to, regardless of age, feels like there's an itch that hasn't been scratched in ages? And, why is this a contentious issue? Surely, there's a measurable way to debate seemingly subjective opinion of where we are.

Game devs: We see you guys working your asses off with very little appreciation. This isn't about you guys, as much as it's about risks (or lack of) that the industry takes as a whole.

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