Right, and not every ship needs to be a battleship. Pirate patrol, coast guard, courier, general exploration and poking at things. All incredibly valuable roles that can be handed with sensor and engine upgrades.
So you are calling for might makes right. I had hoped you had a better idea than that.
I'd honestly like to try a page out of Heinlein's book. No-one can vote, or run for office, unless they have served a few years working for the government. Prove that you are willing to put the good of the many before the good of yourself, then you get to help steer the ship of state.
There are issues with the system, of course, but most of the people in power today would not be in power under that system.
Better then ladies lying in ponds distributing swords.
If someone is given authority and power over others, regardless of the method of acquiring that power, the system is evil.
What do you propose for the case of someone stronger than me stealing my food?
Interesting. I may have to start switching over, then.
I've always been partial to the Miranda, as well.
My current big ones are Windsail, Sunless Sea, Sunless Skies, Stardew, and Traveler's Rest.
Also Star Trek Online, but that's not Steam.
Appreciate any testing you are able to do.
I wish we could actually do this.
This is how it's done.
Probably my favorite ship in any universe, from the outside at least. Galaxy class my second.
I wonder if we could make any headway arguing that taxes were automated trickling down. We had the rich, and we all benefit from things like roads.