I think you're confusing the "Fuck Around" with the "Find Out."
It is incredibly concerning. But it's difficult to do much of anything. Protests often don't reach a significant size, and when they do, they are not reported on. That leads to discouragement, the feeling that in wasting my limited time, risking my livelihood, and accomplishing nothing.
That's one problem with being such a large nation.
I think the FA had been going on for at least a few weeks now, if not a lot longer.
If your a woman, push him down and sit on his face.
If your a guy, maybe the same, I'm not sure exactly how to make that work.
Things should proceed from there.
I don't think he's trying to reverse psychology anyone.
I think he's just seen that liberals, at least in America, don't seem to have the guts to push back on his insane demands. If you guys had Chuck Schumer in your PM office, you'd already have scheduled the vote.
Am I having a stroke?
We call it "autocorrect."
I never said you should go get the community to bash his brains in, that’s all in your mind.
Yes, because you won't tell me what's in your mind.
When you were younger, if your brother steals from you, you’d turn to your parents, and they’d assess the situation. Now apply that to a community, like a small village or a city block.
You'd go to your parents, yes, who have authority over us both. But your vision prohibits the village or city block from having authority over anyone else. I believe you used the word "evil."
So, for the last time, what is your proposal for dealing with a situation where someone strong steaks from someone weak? If you cannot articulate at least an ideal sort of general solution, compatible with your idea that giving people authority over other people is unacceptable, then we need not continue this conversation.
I appreciate the info!
This is a fascinating read, and it links to more fascinating reads. Well done, you.
Then how do you propose the village deal with the situation? You proposed that the solution to someone stronger than me be to get done more guys. And then what?
You might consider using extra words, if you want me to understand your argument.
I wonder if we could make any headway arguing that taxes were automated trickling down. We had the rich, and we all benefit from things like roads.
Right, and not every ship needs to be a battleship. Pirate patrol, coast guard, courier, general exploration and poking at things. All incredibly valuable roles that can be handed with sensor and engine upgrades.
If you would have peace, prepare for war.