Fucking awesome
Real chance of camouflaged bullet proof vest
I have a soft center and part of me wants things to slow down and be more inclusive and understanding and to have time for more connection... and generally shift our culture away from survival of the fittest.
That didnt get me anywhere and i was poor as shit and was taken advantage of by employers and the system constantly.
Now i say fuck everyone else im getting mine and relish getting ahead. Its a learned behavior that i want to shed when i have financial independence. It is what it is.
You have no idea the distribution of idiocy between Republicans and Democrats give me a break. Its all vibe based on your specific newsfeed.
With a constantly changing narrative for each party im not sure how people even associate themselves with either party outside of voting for president/congress/senate. The more specific you get the more irrelevant it becomes.
He didnt lie about what his plans of action were, but he was telling everybody immigrants and foreign aid are the source of our problems. (Redunctionist i know)
So he did lie. And most people arent equipped for the disinformation age.
Its easy to say they should be smarter than that, but its also easy to say our administration shouldn't be fabricating reality to further their platform. Blaming the masses seems pretty pointless to me. We all want better for ourselves. Maybe some are more outwardly selfish or racist or whatever but when are we going to learn to not frame 50% of america as inherently evil? Whats the point of watering down our perception of others?
What do YOU mean?
I was with you in your other comments and then you had to generalize an entire population of people. Hivemind idiots on the internet doesnt mean you can do that.
What do you mean?
Sorry i just reinstalled this app today after a mental health break and forgot how insufferable everyone is. Just need more time to reacclimate
God shut up
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Bulletproof implants then