So it listens to you and you can “permit it” to read emails and all that shit? I didn’t even know this kind of thing existed let alone that anyone would CHOOSE to allow this. Crazy.
Yes I am aware that the docs exist. Thank you.
I am familiar with Codium. However I think my brain just wants a total shift away from that environment completely, ya know?
Thanks for the response, you’re right that raylib autocomplete just works, so no issues there.
Both Kdevelop and Kate actually worked pretty well but I think I am going to end up using Geany for everything lol. I got autocomplete and call tips working with tags and since I’m already familiar with it, it feels comfy.
Not to mention it’s extremely lightweight. I’m leaving Kate setup on my machine as well for cases where I need those more robust options though. So thank you!
Good to know thanks!
Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
I know what an LSP does but I don’t really know how it works so I wasn’t sure if an external library like Raylib would work the same way auto complete and all that would work for a language like C.
Truthfully I only understand this stuff at a very basic level, ya know? I read a bit on LSPs and was kind of getting more confusion than answers lol.
Thanks again!
Oh definitely, if Kate doesn’t work or is too much of a pain I’ll probably just use Kdevelop instead. It’s just Kate with extras right? I ask about Kate because I like to use lighter programs as much as possible. My computer isn’t a total powerhouse or anything lol.
Raylib is a library for making games. Just a framework.
The reason I ask is because I know what an LSP does but I don’t know how it does it, ya know? I’m not really familiar with how autocomplete and parameter hints work, so would it work the same way a language like C’s autocomplete and parameter hints work or does it just work the same way.
Does that make sense? I tried looking for some answers and was just a bit confused, so I asked here instead.
Oh it’s not all I want to do. I’m also a hobbyist dev and work on GIS projects, etc etc.
Eating more beans and lentils has saved me a butt load of money. Tofu too but price of soybeans might be going up soon so who knows how long that’ll last.
Yeah, I don’t expect to play a lot of things but 99% of the time I’m playing some 2D indie game. Everyone once in a blue moon I like to replay the TES series
Peer/Freetube baby