Your second sentence is almost as insane as everything else you're spewing.
Right, soooo that would make him a make following that archetype which was my original question. I'm not a fate expert but I know for example Ferris/Felix is much closer to trans in the source material than they are in the anime
Mostly because you're not serious enough to matter but can't even spell.
I didn't loose anything. Everyone knows America is full of braindead morons who vote, not my fault they chose the rapist. But at least I'm not such a detestable waste of a person like you two.
Sure, I agree with that.
What makes you think I'm being quiet? I've attended multiple protests in the past month alone. Surely you know that just because something isn't in the news, doesn't mean it didn't exist?
It's really not that hard
considering the population of the USA
You need to account for the fact that it is simply not feasible for large percentages of the country to congregate into one place the way it is in most of Europe. There's the size disparity, lack of affordable and accessible public transport around the country e.g trains (they do exist but very sparingly), and just the significantly fewer worker rights and wages that would allow people to do those things without completely upending their entire families wellbeing, which is part of the point from the enemy yes, but that's because it's effective.
Or just change everyone. Then you have people who never even realized they were
The whole basis of the no taxing thing was because of the charity. I'm fine with small churches who do a lot of good for their community being exempt, the problem are the mega churches who make mountains of money and do nothing good with it.
Only 4k? Gotta get those numbers up.
You had me in the first half
His Dahmer analogy was bad.
But a terrible person who can correctly surmise that genocide is bad, is still a terrible person.