Processors might no longer get twice as fast every few years, but now we can use the power of servers to write software that runs even slower.
Likely. Morticians ads that wish people to die are common in germany. We find this funny.
Ich möchte hiermit klarstellen, dass ich dein Michmich hochgewählt habe sohlig weil das Michmich gut erstellt ist. Den Aufruf zum Unterlass des Zangendeutschem lehne ich jedoch grundsätzlich ab.
Remember, if you say something good or bad to someone, always include if and how much you whish for them to kill themselves.
Do you see these wind turbines? Disgusting! An asparagus-isation of the landscape!
No way, you met json irl?
The first panel is popular media, not computer scientists.
The computer scientist would write papers about how they adapted principles of the alien technology to our stuff.
Back to doing their normal femboy stuff?
The rainbow beam takes more curves and turns into the rainbow road. Mario, Luigi and Bowser drive out of the hole with their carts.
Dies eskalierte schnellig.
Yes, I'll name my child parent. This will reverse the tree, vertically.