You know he is referring to a 2023 article right?
And so is the video.
I really don't see any improvements lately
You know he is referring to a 2023 article right?
And so is the video.
I really don't see any improvements lately
Kan se jeg nærmest er den gennemsnitlige bruger, bortset fra politisk overbevisning, hvilket overrasker mig meget. Ellers fordeler svarene som jeg havde forventet det.
Spændende læsning 👍
Why not close this one and merge to LW?
Det er så amatøragtigt! Fatter slet ikke nogen har tænkt, det går nok, det er en super ide at få borgere til at opkræve skat af naboerne... Håber mediedækningen får skat/vurderingsstyrelsen til at genoverveje hvad fanden det er de har gang i!
I am very happy with Blocky
No UI, just a simply config file if that is your thing.
Pt bruger jeg, som jeg er godt tilfreds med. Har tidligere også testet, men kan egentlig ikke huske hvorfor jeg skiftede væk.
Because that is how Bluetooth is specified. Bluetooth is primarily used for audio, where high throughput is not the most important parameter. Expected Bluetooth throughput is less than 2 Mbps, see more here
WiFi on the other hand, has peak throughput above 1 Gbps. So your observations are as expected.
Are recurring tasks an option? And it it possible to repeat them x days after last completion?
Why didn't the traditional automakers come up with the"Giga Press" process years ago? Conservatism? Not willing to take risks? Technical challenges only solved recently?
OK, didn't know that. Have been using it with no issues for some years. Can I migrate to your fork and keep my current data?
You can't browse your files. You upload files and get a link that you can share. I'm not the dev, just a user of Pingvin Share.
Imponerende. Men samtidig har jeg svært ved at se, hvordan det er rentabelt, medmindre de kan vækste på antal indbyggere/arbejdspladser.