Eh, truth be told I just walked out. But once in awhile in the shower I look back and think "damn, that's what I should have said."
I trolled the Church of Scientology once. I went in pretending I was curious about this free personality test, to which I gave the most disparate answers I could think of. While taking the test they had this obvious plant walk out praising how helpful and great Scientology was for them. They had me sit down and watch this weird ass alternative psychology video while waiting for the results. The Scientologist came out looking visibly terrified but whatever, he took me into his office to give me his pitch. I feigned ignorance for a while and went to leave. He started getting desperate trying to get me to join until finally I said "Bro. I know about Xenu."
If the alternative is scurvy I'd rather just be a dude with a dick that likes vag that's emasculate.
Yeah, that's some next level copium. I grew up during Columbine and it was like DOOM made these kids do this. Anecdotal evidence but I've played every DOOM game since the 90's and I've never had an inkling to do a mass shooting. Our society is failing these kids in a way we don't want to actually own up to cuz the finger gets pointed squarely at us.
Yeah, used to think that of the nazi scientists, but that was done for Japanese scientists because as awful as they were they actually provided useful data. The nazi scientists stuff was pretty much useless because it was all in furthering their dumb race shit.
I'll go with... Probably not a good idea to ingest radium.
If you can believe that.
Look, I'm not saying Satan is the greatest guy, but it makes sense he would have gotten a pretty raw deal reputation wise after losing the war in heaven.
I'm frustrated by how the cheese looks like foam.
What I want to know is... Was the shooter using a bump stock?
Honestly I feel this way about a lot of the look at the hot chick subs.