CRT, DEI, "woke", the right uses these interchangeably functionally for what the nazis called "Jewish science".
I'm hanging on to see how this turns out. Some political analysis says Trump is mainly a vessel to collect the glory of being president doing his thing, while the ghouls behind the curtains whispering into his easily manipulated narcissistic head are steering.
You must be a hit at parties.
I feel like it would be really interesting to see what would happen if everyone started doing this at once, but as it stands it'd just make things more complicated for yourself.
It is infuriating. I've taken to answering the question more literal. "How" am I? Well, it depends who you ask but the leading scientific consensus is that our known universe began to take shape in what's known as the great expansion. And then...
You gotta make people learn to stop asking you that.
What frustrates me this is that ideally people can be who they are (I feel like being gay/trans whatever falls comfortably in this, obviously we don't want Jeffery Dahmer types living their best lives) and this sentiment is so ubiquitous there is no compunction to have pride month, that sort of thing. However, I don't think that's the angle conservatives are atting this with thus creating the need for it. They did this to themselves with their bigotry.