If he actually was an "Upstanding Businessman", they actually might. Need more reasons why they don't?
For the level of "quality" they delivered, they have always been too expensive.
How many targets (russian ships) of that size or bigger are left in the black sea?
All batteries are replaceable. Some take a bit more effort and some specialized equipment, though.
Does the family really expect that she "just so" spends £1800 on feeding them all out of her own pocket? If the (probably extended) family does not like it, maybe they should host the family dinner instead of having one person do it every year.
I'd pick Apollo, the most sciency guy of the bunch.
alleging that the group’s testing methodology was not representative of how real users experience the site.
Now all he has to proof is that somehow Media Matters has a vastly different view of X than anyone else. Good luck with that, Elon. ,-)
How about a setting like "I don't want to be tracked and I don't want to see any ads" that is enabled by default?
The moment you thought you steered the Republicans will be the last moment before they happily stick a bunch of knives in your back. That is not prejudice, that is experience.
That is only a bit worse than what British people do with their tea. OK, theirs is reasonably fresh, but they let the teabag sit in the pot for ages and they commit the serious, undefendable crime of adding milk.
What foreign languages do you speak? If you are a typical US citizen, your choice of destination countries is pretty limited. Especially if you want citizenship, you better be or quickly get fluent in the target countries native tongue.
Yes, we had such a guy. The owner wanted to turn that guy into the CEO of the company. We rebelled. Suddenly, he was "no longer available for the job for health reasons".