Capital doesn't cease to exist under communism, guy. It just stops being controlled by one person.
I'm so desperate for any one in power to do something, I'll take this anyway
No one is shocked
Okay yeah but I know what all those variables do
I didn't say any of that. I pointed out that this particular blog source isn't providing any tangible evidence and should be treated with skepticism.
I deliberately don't follow much Ukrainian war news, I find the coverage from a western perspective distasteful so I went and googled around a bit.
This is a better evidenced and written article. Like I said I'm not a Russia fan and approaching western reporting with skepticism is generally a better approach in my opinion.
Thank you for your astute medical observation. Its actually quite relevant that you ignored the context and the point of that comment to say, out loud, "well actually being fat is bad". bravo.
Also, whether or not one uses reddit/twitter/Facebook, the state of social media is worth discussing, its important.
I agree those are bad examples.
Better examples:
Phillando Castile. All for gun rights until a black man is shot while legally owning a gun. One could run down the list of black people (and children) who have been murdered by the police because they "thought there was a gun". Guns are legal and they're quite vocal about supporting the right to bear arms (but only if you look white).
Jan 6. All for upholding law and order and obeying the police until they don't get what they want. They lied about the cities in this country being destroyed during the Floyd uprisings as if America was gone.
All of the anti-trans laws passed are to "protect children" and yet they have not gone after any of the abuse scandals in churches or law enforcement.
Build the wall. Enforced only against black and brown people at the southern border.
How about holding the supreme court seat for a year?
We could continue but I'll just boil it down with a pithy quote: there are those who the law must protect but does not bind and there are those that the law must bind but not protect. That is the conservative idea. Go read the only moral abortion is my abortion with that statement in mind and it'll make sense.
Concrete example: Houston food not bombs. You couldn't pay me an amount of money to harass people feeding the homeless.
Also, just following orders is not a defense.
Wow I'm american and this is some american kool aide if I've ever seen it. The Taliban is evil but the framing of the invasion and occupation as some noble humanitarian effort is like newsmax propaganda.
Turns out Republican lite isn't popular, who knew