A lot of classic black metal and Wisp.
Ren and Stimpy. I was the strange kid in school, so the show's gross-out humor and absurdity appealed to my weirdo sensibilities. Finding out John K. is a bastard sexpest definitely tempered my nostalgia a bit.
I'm willing to bet Lewis has some very strong opinions about women, race relations, and video game journalism.
I tried switching to an alum block for those exact concerns. Didn't work for me and made me actually smell worse than when I forget to put on antiperspirant. I think I'd rather risk cancer and not smell like a pair of used gym shorts.
No thanks. I'm not interested in giving up what little protection I have from the amoral machinations of tech dudebros and their fucking lackeys in the state.
need further instruction human penis caught in ceiling fan trying to sudo apt-get dog in bathtub
Hold on, I need about 12 minutes to render your video and even then it's going to be at postage stamp sized resolution and sound like someone stuck a brick in a blender.
I used to write dark ambient and noise records as a hobby. I got some of my best samples from that method.
I continue to be surprised that The Simpsons is still on the air. It's a cliche now to say it hasn't been good since the late 90s.