Yet another reason to be vegan.
This article together with this article:
It really means I have no choice but to be vegan.
Yet another reason to be vegan.
This article together with this article:
It really means I have no choice but to be vegan.
Just don’t use gogle.
“Google's core argument that its search engine wins default status due to its quality, not due to anticompetitive behaviors.”
Then why pay Apple 20 billion for default star?
“Given that one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the vast majority of them are unexplained, this rise in investigations of and the treatment of unexplained miscarriage as suspicious is deeply concerning…”
About six weeks.
After my medications run out, then about one or two weeks and I die. Period.
Why stop population decline?
Let’s just take it easy.
Time to stop using Gmail and YouTube. I had already avoided go░gle search for months now.
Over the last three or four months I had deleted all my FaceBook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram accounts. And this made me want to avoid go░gle search.
Too many assume humans are rational creatures, with free will.
We are not.
Humanity is a farce. We prance about, puffed up with nothing but pretense and delusions.
Who could mourn such pathetic creatures?
The world is a nightmare.
I don’t know who this would be bad news for.