Republicans and random democrats somehow saving the Biden presidency from missteps, cool cool.
Can't focus on any useful bills, btw.
Republicans and random democrats somehow saving the Biden presidency from missteps, cool cool.
Can't focus on any useful bills, btw.
my sapphire brain instantly got braille ptsd
If they are voting in the primary, I doubt they will skip the general election. It's more than likely a reminder to the administration that their voter base is not happy with the current decision making. If they are protesting stuff like this, they are most likely D voters anyway (over 90 % of D voters are pro-ceasefire vs 53? % for the R voterbase.
Yeah, like the sad case with the teachers a few years back. Confirmed my personal view that Rødt and maybe SV are the only parties I'd like to vote. AP really betrayed LO and the teacher's unions in general.
Should be possible to add to steam as a non steam game etc? Sucks to do it in a roundabout way, but yeah
Honestly everytime I have to feel proud for sailing I dance like an idiot while the magnet links are being being pasted on the real debrid
This is a farce how do they call the pen after all that lmfao
Totally right. Tbh this OP guy is kinda whack. I'd take his posts with a grain of salt.
Ja lmao, skjønner ikke at folk ikke ser mer til venstre, mtp hvor hardt AP har gått mot sentrum....
Helt enig. Det må i alle fall være grenser. Utrolig nok burde vi faktisk ikke strebe etter å bli fun light Amerika. USA sitt system feiler mye pga de økonomiske interessene som gjennomsyrer politikken. Ikke la det skje, folkens.
I think there is a case to be made that false statements in the public made with the explicit of driving public or political discourse or to drive verifiably unproven sentiments should be considered fraudulent or anti-democratic, or at the very least that the burden falls on the media to brand the information as verifiably misleading.
Allowing bad faith actors to exist seems to be a major issue strictly because their information is spread without context.
I installed PopOS this week. Let's see if my experiment works better than this experiment from Microsoft.