Agreed, she isn't an insanely over powered monster. But she also isn't bottom of the barrel. Nicely balanced, fun to play, and she does have her share of power-boosting exploits.
Gottem!! Thanks for including the 2nd pic.
I learned this technique from a video, I don't remember who the author was.
Their idea is to start by building hollow cubes of somewhat random sizes, each connecting to the other and possibly merging (some parts of a cube inside others). Once you have enough cubes, you use those as the skeleton to build the final structure. Square-ish cubes become rooms, tall and skinny cubes can become stairs, really big cubes can be multi-floor open areas. The hollow cubes act as a canvas with structure, so that you can "paint" your build on something more than just empty air.
I'm not aware of a setting that removes the app badge from all shortcuts, only the Edit option you found already.
I've also not used launchers other than Nova.
Thanks for sharing!
Is this Ceres tileset?
The BattleBotsRaw reddit community is still active, but you'll only get the edited fights-only versions. Those are good enough for me.
Arca Titron charges up bonus damage on kills that is released on a slam attack, combo slams included.
The Vaykor Sydon includes a radial blind as an alternate heavy attack. Charge it up by blocking hits, then block-heavy attack to release the blind.
Amazing LOL
I do this too with my Steam Deck!!!