Oh, we could probably create giant trees with selective breeding and gene editing. But those trees would still need hundreds of years to grow (and that's a good thing, since it would store CO2 while growing) and if there are problems with the gene editing we would only notice after decades.
During COVID I was shown how easy it was to work from home. Now everybody is back at the office again, because they said it is so important to have the personal contact with your peers.
Now I know about my coworkers bike tour and about another's gardening project. And all I had to give up for that is about an hour of additional sleep and the money and resources that goes into my car.
It's the poster child of vapid consumerism. Pseudo-deep "words of wisdom" often bought by the most shallow people you can think of.
It's the battle cry of the suburban Karen, the mantra of the soccer mom.
Often combined with the consumption of rigorous amounts of wine and sings declaring how hilarious this socially accepted alcoholism is.
Even if done "right" privatization is the wrong choice for a lot of things. Like everything that should be a service for all citizens: postal service, health care, water, electricity, ...
When greed is introduced into these services people will suffer for it. Just look at all the examples of privatizations and show me where the outcome was positive for the people.
With a sigh he cleans the up the tally for the 7th period. "Can't call it near death anymore"
Okay, I am convinced: from now on I am completely against the marriage of same pole magnets!
But the levy was dry...
Open source? Not the best currently available models.
Fucking worm? Is this the Dune cup all over again?
You can abort till the 22 week in Germany.
I can smell this picture.
Or you watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy7TUtlPmqk