Ich zieh dann mal wieder zurück in den Norden. Oder wandere aus ... mal schauen wie der Rest von Deutschland nächstes mal wählt.
They've been doing the same with all hyperlinks in the gmail web frontend. Not when you fetch the mails via imap/pop, though.
Already ~~is~~ are.
Ich habe nichts da gegegn, dass Vermieter in diesem Maimai sind. Aber, ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass es tausend gute Gründe gibt arbeitslos zu sein, abed keinen guten Grund gibt 1000 mal so viel zu ~~verdienen~~ schmarotzern wie ein Angestellter. Neben Vermietern sind die echten Schmarotzer unsere Politiker mit ihren fetten "Diäten" (der blanke Hohn, dass die ihre Gehälter so nennen) und "wohlhabende" ~~Arbeitgeber~~ Ausbeuter, sowie Leute die "ihr Geld für sich arbeiten lassen". ~~Es fließt vier mal so viel Geld in den Verwaltungsapparat für Arbeitslose wie Arbeitslosengeld gezahlt wird.~~ "Arbeitslose sind Schmarotzer" ist dämlichste Propaganda der echten Schmarotzer.
All the other comments kind of suggest otherwise, but I am pretty certain that fedora comes with firewalld enabled by default.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and true. A few years ago I had the flu. Took me three weeks to be completely fit again. Then, like two weeks later, I suddenly got dizzy, I felt like vomiting, I was cold but sweated like a pig. I thought I was going to faint. I laid down and slowly felt better. But it came back every ~30 minutes. Over the day it got better until in the evening I only felt exhausted. The next day I felt good again and went back to work. Around 9 in the morning, BAM, it hit again. I went to the physician and my systolic blood pressure went haywire going up and down between 90 and 180 within 5 minutes. He prescribed me something "for the bloodstream" without any clear diagnosis. It didn't do shit. I visited him I don't know how many times. Then I went to the next physician. And the next. I somehow kind of learned to live with it. One year later the third or fourth physician actually did some tests: You have a severe vitamin D3, B6, and B12 deficiency. Your immune system is fucked. Your stomach is fucked. Your metabolism is fucked. I finally got some treatment that actually improved something and felt significantly better but not good. Two years and ~three physicians later it turns out that my problems are somehow linked to my allergies: your immune system is fucked. There's some trial and error with different medications, at the end of which I actually feel better but still not good. Three years and another two physicians later the fuzzy diagnosis is that I had/have "long flu" (mind you, this is all before covid). It damaged my nerves and somehow mixed up my metabolism. There's a weird "cross-relationship" with my allergies. Now I take medication daily which lets me at least function and work. I still do not feel good. I haven't felt good since six years. But, there's an entry in my file from 5 years ago that I'm a hypochondriac, that won't go away, despite later tests confirming that several things were severely and factually wrong with me ...
Ich habe für dich das ursächliche Problem identifiziert:
Dieser Kommentar wurde von der Volvo-Bande präsentiert.
Where did you get this picture of me? Nobody was supposed to know that I'm a crustacean!
Die 5000€ Bonus wären halt nicht nötig wenn das Basisgehalt passen würde. Viele Pflegekräfte wechseln nicht nur den Arbeitgeber, sondern den Beruf.
Vielleicht weil die Arbeitsbedingungen und das Basisgehalt so scheiße sind, dass es die 2500€ extra nicht wert sind?
ik_ihe ist voll tot. Dieses Maimai ist der erste Pfosten da seit ca einem Monat.
Die Zahl ist zu niedrig. Die Freien Wähler und deren Wähler sind jetzt auch nicht unbedingt die hellsten Kerzen auf der Torte, Und für die CSU ist das mindestens höchst diskutabel.