I like the suggestion of keeping my hands moving. Also think tightness may be an issue. I kinda-sorta have liners in the form of the inner pair of gloves, but they're not intended to be worn inside other gloves so the overall fit is probably a bit snug.
Using Bar Mitts, which are a pretty straightforward neoprene shell. I did consider lined pogies, but I actually quite like how much room is inside these.
I like the idea of work gloves, I suppose anything designed for someone working outside all day in these temperatures ought to also work well on a bike. My ride isn't too long, up to 15 minutes if I'm going into a headwind. Definitely not spending 2 hours outside on a recreational ride when it's this cold.
Thanks for the tips!
I do have something like that, the pogies that I mentioned. It's an odd word. Specifically, I have Bar Mitts. Not insulated like the ones you linked, but a big improvement over nothing covering my hands even with gloves.