[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 48 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Iunno, if someone I knew was involved in trafficking-victim advocacy efforts, then turned around and penned a letter in defense of a rapist who caught 30 to life, I'd suddenly be second-guessing said advocate's bonafides, and double-checking them too. That's too rowdy a lapse of judgment for me personally to let slide; and all the parasocial weirdos suddenly jumping to Kutcher's aid when it's well known he was a 20 year old with a tongue down a 14 year old's throat on primetime television is equally as sketchy.

"‘Just trust Ashton Kutcher’ is terrible public policy.”

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 49 points 11 months ago

No no no, if you fought against the USSR during World War 2, given USSR was an Allied nation, then you are one if not more of two things: either a Nazi, or a collaborator. Either way, you deserve to be flown by your ankles if that's the case.

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 74 points 11 months ago

It is wild how this keeps happening at every foundry Musk owns. Tesla, SpaceX, probs Starlink too we just haven't heard the lawsuits over it yet...

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 62 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You ever have one of those days where you recognize the Axis reforming and have this all-encompassing existential dread wash over you when you realize you won't be able to escape in time and definitely aren't armed enough

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 61 points 11 months ago

I'm almost morbidly curious to hear how the settlers will spin this as not being rank, flagrant collaboration with neo-fascists. Not enough to go looking, but... Almost.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml to c/blackleftist@lemmygrad.ml

It will forever be galling that such a veritable horseman of the apocalypse ever earned a Nobel Peace Prize. That moment was about the moment the prestige of that award died for me, was knowing that a man who destroyed two nations, killed thousands of civilians, and is the root cause of the emergence of slavery in Libya was getting a fuckin Nobel for his work in service of the oligarchs.

We will never be rid of this man. As long as he lives, he will claim innocence and practice misdirection to keep millions of people confused about the cause of their travails. Those of us who pay attention know better. Barack Obama will always act like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. It is up to everyone else to tell the truth about him.

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 52 points 1 year ago

NOT TODAY COLONISER god damn Vijay, get his cracker ass

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 55 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

liberal scratched

Anyone who unironically uses the term "redfash" honestly doesn't deserve to be taken seriously, either in discourse or as a human being.


Ajamu Baraka just does not miss. Some choice excerpts from these musings (though I exhort you to read the article yourself):

It is important to keep in mind that the foundation for Russiagate was erected on the repressive legislative superstructure under the Bush and Obama Administrations. The result? Today, opposition is systematically criminalized in the U.S. The indictments of the Uhuru 3 for opposing Ukraine war, charges of domestic terrorism and conspiracy in the fight against Cop-City, and the ongoing attempts to extradite Julian Assange represent the consolidation and normalization of bipartisan totalitarian power.


There is something to what I call the psychopathology of white supremacy. It is a “racialized narcissistic cognitive disorder that centers so-called white people’s and European civilization and renders the afflicted with an inability to perceive objective reality in the same way as others. This affliction is not reducible to the race of so-called whites but can affect all those who have come in contact with the ideological and cultural mechanisms of the Pan-European colonial project.”


Sanders demonstrates why he was revealed as the sheepdog that he was. He was never committed to struggling for real power in the democrat party. That is why he sold out his supporters and surrendered. Sanders is nothing more than an opportunist democrat and a fraud.


Similar to BAR's editorial staff, I consider the entirety of Frances Beal's "Double Jeopardy" to be... Practically mandatory reading for anyone who considers themselves serious about, or wanting to get serious about working alongside subjects-of-empire and their formations. This is what came before 'intersectionality', and how Twitter libs absolutely butchered that concept into the limping carcass it is today.

(Also: I find it funny that even in 1969, Beal was already penning the paragraphs to categorically nail the ADOS coffin shut regarding "the emasculation of Black men" and how often Nasheed and his orbiters first throw that flag at the feet of Black women before anyone else.)

It is true that our husbands, fathers, brothers and sons have been emasculated, lynched and brutalized. They have suffered from the cruellest assault on mankind that the world has ever known. However, it is a gross distortion of fact to state that black women have oppressed black men. The capitalist system found it expedient to enslave and oppress them and proceeded to do so without signing any agreements with black women.


Those who are exerting their "manhood" by telling black women to step back into a domestic, submissive role are assuming a counter-revolutionary position. Black women likewise have been abused by the system and we must begin talking about the elimination of all kinds of oppression. If we are talking about building a strong nation, capable of throwing off the yoke of capitalist oppression, then we are talking about the total involvement of every man, woman, and child, each with a highly developed political consciousness. We need our whole army out there dealing with the enemy and not half an army.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1678701

  • 4 : The 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [states] that the world is not on track to keeping within the 1.5°C limit agreed upon in Paris and that global emissions must be cut by 45% in this decade
  • 8 : Africa is not historically responsible for global warming, but bears the brunt of its effect
  • 11 : Only seven years remain to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, and (...) 600 million people in Africa still lack access to electricity while 970 million lack access to clean cooking;
  • 12 : [Africa] is home to the world’s youngest and fastest-growing workforce, coupled with massive untapped renewable energy potential(, see §16), abundant natural assets, and entrepreneurial spirit, our continent has the fundamentals to pioneer a climate-positive pathway as a thriving, cost-competitive industrial hub with the capacity to support other regions in achieving their net zero ambitions.
  • 17 : We call upon the global community to (...) honor the commitment to provide $100 billion in annual climate finance, as promised 14 years ago at the Copenhagen conference, (...)
  • 39.I : [We call for ]Multilateral Development Banks capitalization and deployment reform, (...).

39.IV.1-i) New debt relief interventions and instruments to pre-empt debt default – with the ability to a) extend sovereign debt tenor, and b) include a 10-year grace period.
39.IV.1.iii) Decisive action on the Promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the United Nations (Resolution A/C.2/77/L.11/REV.1)–to reduce Africa’s loss of $ 27 billion annual corporate tax revenue through profit shifting, by at least 50% by 2030 and 75% by 2050.
39.IV.2.i) Increasing Africa’s renewable generation capacity from 56 GW in 2022 to at least 300 GW by 2030, both to address energy poverty and to bolster the global supply of cost-effective clean energy for industry;
39.IV.2.ii) Shifting the energy-intensive (...) processing of Africa’s raw material exports [back ]to the continent, [which would ]also serves as an anchor demand for our renewable energy and a means of rapidly reducing global emissions;
39.IV.2.iii) Access to, and transfer of, environmentally sound technologies
39.IV.2.iv) Designing global and regional trade mechanisms in a manner that enables products from Africa to compete on fair and equitable terms;
39.IV.3) Trade-related environmental tariffs and non-tariff barriers must be subject to multilateral discussions and agreements and not be unilateral, arbitrary or discriminatory

We, therefore;

1 : Call upon world leaders to appreciate that decarbonizing the global economy is also an opportunity to contribute to equality and shared prosperity;
3 : Call acceleration of the ongoing initiatives to reform the multilateral financial system and global financial architecture including the Bridgetown Initiative, the Accra-Marrakech Agenda, the UN Secretary General’s SDG Stimulate Proposal, and the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact;
4 : Urge the efforts to refine the G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments
6 : We note that multilateral finance reform is necessary but not sufficient to provide the scale of climate financing the world needs
7 : We urge world leaders to rally behind the proposal for a [global] carbon taxation regime including a carbon tax on fossil fuel trade, maritime transport, a biennial, and aviation, that may also be augmented by a global financial transaction tax (FTT)) to provide dedicated affordable and accessible finance for climate-positive investments
8 : Propose to establish a new financing architecture that is responsive to Africa’s needs including debt restructuring and relief, including the development of a new Global Climate Finance Charter through UNGA and COP processes by 2025;

Also, here's an extract i found from the Associated Press :

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 50 points 1 year ago

How do you sleep at night

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 68 points 1 year ago

Western hate-baiting is abundant in supply and low in quality.

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 93 points 1 year ago

Never, ever trust that anything you put on another fed that isn't like... Hexbear, will be allowed to stay. Some of these mfs real redditor-like; and that's not praise


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1224323

WAPO therefore strongly and unambiguously condemns the current warmongering attitude of ECOWAS and demands that the military bases of all [neo]imperialist and neo-conservative forces in West Africa be withdrawn.

We call on our member organizations to close ranks and fight against any unjust [neo]imperialist war that might be imposed on our region by the folly of our bankrupt rulers.

We firmly believe that the U.S., France, the U.K. and NATO will be the current beneficiaries of any war in Niger. It is clear that the dignity of our peoples and the sovereignty of Niger will be the losers.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1194348

The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interests. As Western imperialism seems to be losing its neo-colonialist grip on Africa, it is trying to expand its use of puppets and proxies to undermine resistance.

No compromise; no retreat. Peace, y'all.

[-] absentthereaper@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 1 year ago

"Agree to our terms or starve, freeze, and basically die"; at what point do the housebroken of the west decide enough is enough and start breaking out the gas cans?


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/590715

Insert 'pithy' joke about "free markets" riiiiiiiiiight here. The past year, year and a half, has been little more than Amerika brazenly displaying its 'grade schooler at recess' mentality with regard to taking every single under-handed trick to attempt to maintain hegemon over China and Russia.

The decline is happening all around us, and we have the forces of Red Scare-goggled reaction to thank for it.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/484057

Link to the Uhuru Movement's emergency response pledge: https://handsoffuhuru.org/emergency-response/

I don't know if y'all have been paying attention to the fuckeries of the FBI lately; but damned if the Uhuru House Raid doesn't smack of the same injustices that were perpetrated in antiquity to Tulsa, and in more recent memory to Philadelphia.

The shit has got to end, or the country will end. Make the motherfuckers pick one.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/352004

When I drag white 'leftists' for for having the nerve to "we don't have a race problem, we just have a class problem", I'm dragging them because this shit goes back as far as O'hare and Debs.

Yes. Our nation does have a race problem, and it's just as big as the class problem.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/322090

Where the American mentality goes, despair and calamity inevitably follow. The American neocolonial project must end.


"Anarchists are communists" now? I've never once recognized this, and I'm still kinda questioning why r/sls is so intent on playing protectionist over people the FBI made specifically to be wreckers. Idgi, but it frankly sickens me.

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