Sorry, the last thing was a joke. I just don't like remote calls, no matter what app or protocol.
I host mine, do server update few times a year, running 1-2 commands depending on whether postgres upgraded or not. This is also main communication method in my company. We do video calls sometimes, but what good are they if you can't drink together?
Why not Matrix?
It is worth installing GNU/Linux.
Yeah, and then a bear comes and gorges on it. Every year, same bear, same tree, same woodpecker.
Large amount of any chemical pufiried, concentrated, and spilled in one place is a disaster
Improper utilization of any energy storage media - wood, electricity, even gyro-storage - is dangerous and produces hazardous waste
It's all about being technological and playing fair. There is nothing that switch from one energy storage to another would accomplish in terms of environmental safety.
I love NH3 idea, it's IMO 3rd best solution. Second best is alcohol. First best is making your energy locally with whatever you have and not wasting it for stupid things.
But all this will be easily messed up by reckless greedy maniacs that have most of the power in the world right now.
Here is something my dear friend wrote I just read yesterday:
I've read kiwis are forest floor bullies, isn't that true?
But, as far as I remember, major contributor to carbon emissions are not poor villages, but jet sets and their factories in poor villages exploiting the work of poor villagers who have no say about their air quality lest they lose their jobs like they lost their means to sustain themselves from farming. Indeed, just not flying for fun and not selling the oil and coal that do not really belong to them would be so much more technological than trying to get grants for things they do not understand (and waste them traveling the world on planes telling everyone they should invest in it too only to then burn the rest in taxes used to support oilgascoal industry directly or not). When you show perpetum mobile here it is totally relevant - that's how greenwashing works in terms of economy on every level, no matter what technology is being praised.
How about I want to have my inference process to negate error bound to my priors?
In object oriented onthology, to know is him is to be him.
I just bought discount auctioned server from Hetzner, but it was a massive overkill, just happened to be that way; their cheap VMs are totally enough.