[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 10 points 1 year ago

To add to the other commenter about cleaning walls, clean your drains, like especially sink drains. There are flies that live specifically in drains. You also gotta nuke them for a while until it helps with drainflies.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 12 points 1 year ago

People literally come bitch about whatever and troll because it hit all or whatever, that they chose to scroll, instead of just scrolling past it or blocking the community they don't want to see like a sane person, because their world revolves around their ass.


[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Great job comprehending what you're reading.

It's a million times more depressing that the majority of environmentalist-minded people apparently see these publicity stunts as positive.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world

Highly recommend checking out the whole album, it is really amazing: I Never Learn.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 12 points 1 year ago

Ai nekö on tarkoitettu siihen, että porukka ei kattois jotain? Ite oon aina luullu että niiden pointti on nimenomaan enemmän semmonen vastuuvapaus mahdollisesti traumaattisen sisällön näyttämisestä tuotannon puolesta. "Saattaa sisältää pieniä määriä maapähkinää" tjsp., mutta kyse vaan väkivallasta, huumeista tai tisseistä. Toisinsanoen "ei ole meidän vastuulla jos sinua häiritsee nämä asiat, ei ole meidän vastuulla.". Mikä mun mielestä on ihan täysin loogista. Ihmiset on ihan yleensä helvetin tyhmiä.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world

Chelsea's new song.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. I love Chelsea Wolfe. Holy shit this new song is amazing. Holy shit...


Whispers in the echo chamber of my mind

In the void they come alive and intertine

In the void I saw all I ever wanted

Beyond reality, beyond the binary

Bathing in the blood of who I used to be

Offering up all my imperfect offerings

Become my own fantasy

Twist the old self into poetry


Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours

This world was not designed for us

And I've been punished, I've been blessed

Surrounded by living ghosts, you see

I thought I had to swallow them bеfore they swallowed mе

But you only know the one I've been

I've shed a thousand skins since then

A curse upon the monster of more

That shit does not define me anymore


Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours


Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours

I'm done

Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours



Robert Francis - Blue (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world
Angel Olsen - All Mirrors (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world

Angel Olsen is one of the most amazing artists of the past, I don't even know how the fuck long. She's an angel. God I love this woman.

Love the faint Gary Numan homage at the end.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world

Micah P. Hinson is amazing, but these two songs are just something else.

TW: These can be super fucking depressing, or cathartic.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 12 points 1 year ago

That's the point, like, read a book, dork!


Sorry I don't know where else to post these, and this seems the most fitting and only active one here.

So it's here now. For all of us...

I don't see how Händel doesn't fit here nowadays.


Amazing Cape Verdean legend. Amazing voice and amazing songs.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world

70's Korean Pop, like straight out of a Tarantino movie, or even something better. Similar vibe to something like Nancy Sinatra's "Bang bang". Amazing song. And for once a song like this isn't cut too short.

Also just perfect for a million hip-hop/beat samples.

PS. If anyone has any recommendations for something similar, from any country, I'm all ears. This sounds insanely nostalgic and this sound is familiar from so much hiphop as well as old songs, older anime I watched from worn out VHS tapes. I don't know what it is about this song. It's like the perfect distillation of so many different types of nostalgia.

PPS. Here's the whole album, I'm only halfway through, but this is full of bangers!

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I was expecting the photo to "rhyme" so I was expecting Goodman to be on the right on the bottom one too and thought "holy fuck he looks weird now he lost all that weight" until my brain corrected me.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 13 points 1 year ago

the mirror is visibly turned on

That's a sentence.

Yeah you wanna use that mirror, yeah?

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 11 points 1 year ago

I just learned that the Amazon tablet/e-reader thing is literally called Amazon Fire. Like... Seriously. It's a little on the nose, no? Like Bezos and his team KNOW and sell this shit to people laughing all the way to the bank and people just line up. I'm so done with this world.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"Valiokunta kehui CSAM-esityksen taustalla olevaa ideaa, eli lasten suojelua verkon vaaroilta:

"Suuri valiokunta katsoo, että asetusehdotuksella on erittäin painava tavoite tehokkaasti ennaltaehkäistä ja torjua lapsiin kohdistuvaa verkkovälitteistä seksuaaliväkivaltaa EU-tason toimin. Valiokunta pitää tärkeänä, että EU-tasolla syntyy selkeä ja sitova oikeudellinen kehys, jolla voidaan tehostaa hyväksikäytön havaitsemista, ilmoittamista ja poistamista. Valtioneuvoston tavoin suuri valiokunta painottaa lapsen edun merkitystä, kun punnitaan ehdotuksen eri osien suhdetta perustuslakiin ja perus- ja ihmisoikeuksiin."

"Lisäksi valiokunta katsoo, että ehdotusta ei voida kannattaa sellaisessa muodossa, että se sallisi massavalvonnan. Valiokunnan mukaan valvontaa pitäisi tehdä ainoastaan tunnistettuihin kohteisiin, eikä siis koko kansan tasolla."

Ehkä olen (ja siis kyllä olen) pessimisti ja en luota siihen että jos kerta ajatuksena on että "tuollaisenaan" sitä ei hyväksytä, mutta vähän jätetään tuolla tavalla epämääräisesti auki että "tunnistettuisiin kohteisiin" voitaisiin kohdistaa ko. valvontaa, niin miten se muuten tapahtuu kuin takaporttien avulla jotka jonkun erityisluvan tai vastaavan kanssa voitaisiin sitten purkaa, koska eipä se nyt ihan hirveästi ihmisten yksityisyyden tai tietoturvan kannalta asiaa muuta - aina jos jotain voidaan väärinkäyttää, sitä käytetään väärin, oli se taho sitten rikollinen tai valtio.

Toivon, että luen rivien välistä vähän liian kyynisesti ja vaikka tässä vähän voi pienesti huokaistakin niin kyllä mulla ainakin foliohattu vielä pysyy tiukasti päässä.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml

If you're going in blind like me I recommend reconsidering reading this, I don't really spoil anything all that much, but I wouldn't have wanted to know about some of this stuff and prefer to just fuck around and find out.

So my first half a dozen-a dozen runs were absolutely disastrous, first time I think I got too friendly with a bee who just stung me to death. Then when a couple of deaths later thought I had it at least a little figured out I found myself run to a basement full of cochroaches by a zombie and losing all of my cool stuff.

After that one I just smashed my way to the roof of the evac shelter in a "fuck this shit" manner - I'd been avoiding making any noise at all and what do I find? A nice big bottle of whiskey just waiting for me. So I gargled down all the pills I could find with the bottle as a runner and jumped off of the roof figuring it'd kill me (thinking since it's so easy to die surely this'll do it!). Nooooooo. The one time you try to die you can't even find a single creature to finish you off after your pitiful attempt at suicide.

I finally managed to make at least some kind of a camp at one of those survivalist cabins and survive fairly easily, even after finally confronting the paramilitarist zombie locked in the basement by blowing it up with a grenade - which I messed up of course and instead of throwing it instantly, I RAN AT IT with the grenade in my hand, correcting and then getting my leg half blown to pieces. That was when I was sure I was going to die. I figured it was karma after that catstalk-mission asshole stole all the rest of the stuff in the duffel bag he gave me and was charging me to get it back so I killed him with his own gun and made nice little hides for my Ed Gein style cabin and ate his brain (I had no food and the lesbian prepper zombie was going nuts in the basement, so I excused myself).

Fast forward to today. I got tetanus from my own bear trap earlier and it was getting annoying, so I located a hospital in the nearest city, figuring I'm probably going to die anyway getting these tetanus cramps when something or other is trying to eat my face, but at least I knew how to fight them now and survive. At least under normal circumstances. And lo and behold I stumbled upon a car, a working car, pristine condition, no alarms, and a bunch of gas in the tank as well. So I headed towards the big city. Except there's a tiny little town on the way that's having a post-apocalyptic free-for-all I guess. So again I figure, well this run has been a weird one and full of luck followed by something even worse.

So naturally I ram most of them down with the car (the first one I killed had the antibiotics anyway so I figured I'm in less danger here than in a big city) so I wouldn't have to deal with the military z's or cops with just a butcher's knife and no real armor, destroying my beautiful new SUV's exterior, nothing vital lost. The rest of them were just fat so I just chop them up, everything goes swimingly, I go through all 9 houses and haul all of the shit to the back of the truck. All this amazing stuff, no more eating catstalks and fiddleheads and stuff.

All this cool shit, tools, anything I could've never even thought to have so early into this fucked up experience, the back of the truck is literally as full as it can be and I head back home on a couple of liters of gas after one of them just decided to go through the car and damaged the battery so I kind of had that one try to get it all home.

The way I came there was through a forest trail at the end of which the car was parked, so I had to take the big road. There's a goddamn riot blockade with the turrets. Fuck it. Floor it and hail Mary and Jesus take the fucking wheel. I can't believe how suspenseful going, just, a bit, by, bit, one, key tap, at, a, time... could be. I make it and I make it home and I'm over the moon. I literally haven't had this much fun in yeeeeaaars. I pull up to the yard as slowly as possible so I can later still salvage what's left of the otherwise functioning skeleton of a car. With my luck I was sure I was gonna hit a rock and the whole thing would just explode.

I take a break and calm down and return. Start unloading the car and swooning over all the stuff and wondering about all the things I could with all of it. There was so much stuff. Unloading the food in the pantry and I accidentally mispress a key and something happens.

(here's a tiny spoiler, if it doesn't work on mobile, for anyone who wants go in blind like me)


and of course, even though I should know by now, from this one alone, but I played og roguelikes as a kid, I should have known better than to get all excited and amazed, "oooooh wow I bet there's some cool stuff in there!"

(...aaand here's the end)

and BLAM!

A shotgun blasts half my torso away, and, I'm quoting, I'm gushing blood like a fountain and it keeps telling me "a tourniquet might help :)", but the only tourniquet I know how to make is for an arm - but it says it can be adjusted for other limbs. So, panicked I crawl all over looking for a fucking stick so I can make this tourniquet and try to readjust it, but it's - only - for: 'limbs^'¨* and it cycles back to "tourniquet (arm)" like it just wanted to fuck with me one last time.

I keep trying to apply pressure and hope it'll work. It worked with the grenade wound even with those shitty remarks about a tourniquet my little psycho cannibal Ed Gein didn't know how to make, but this was worse. I bleed to death and burst out laughing. I had it all set up and with such luck I made it back home with a new car, food for probably months and all the tools I could need for a long time, just to practically die on the doorstep of my own home getting shotgun blasted point blank. R.I.P. Damian.

I haven't played roguelikes in like, two decades and I'm very rusty (and I was very young and honestly sucked), but holy shit is this fun. I can't wait to see all that's to come. I've missed this.

Sorry for the wall of text, I'm just super excited, even though no-one is probably bored enough to read this shit. Cheers!

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As much as I haven't found a single thing of hers I can stand to listen she's actually influenced a fair amount of amazing bands and singers, but I suppose sometimes it takes someone making an idiot of themselves to inspire others. All I know is for some reason I have her to thank for some influencing great bands.


Love this song. Highly recommend the live show at Auckland Hall, it is brilliant.

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 10 points 1 year ago

TIL flipping pages has no sound

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz to c/meta@sopuli.xyz

Just transferred all of my subscriptions and blocks from my older, former main account on another instance and I have to say I couldn't be happier that Sopuli is not federated with lemmynsfw and such, my block list for communities was in the four figures over there and here it's hundreds and hundreds less. I'm so happy for being able to scroll All without having to play whack-a-mole with a billion porn communities most of which have and ever will only have the one active person. Every, goddamn, time. I literally had a mental checklist of searchwords I'd go through once a week or two and it'd be dozens and dozens every week and even that didn't cover it.

Just wanted to post if there is ever a question of whether to federate with instances like this. Especially as long as there is no way to block instances. It really makes a maaaasssive difference.


Even though we got a computer in the mid to late 90's, a shitty DOS-box that no-one kind of really knew how to do anything with, I was infinitely interested in anything to do with it. I remember playing Guerrilla Wars and some dungeon crawlers on it and such, but I feel like I almost entirely missed out on text-based games. I vaguely remember playing two, but I guess I was just excited about computer graphics or something that I didn't really care for them or the ones I tried just sucked.

I'm sure there's people here that have more experience with them so I ask you to bring forth all your favorite text-based adventures, regardless of genre. What classics should I go for?

[-] brewbellyblueberry@sopuli.xyz 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Adding to all of the other comments, I have to add to the music suggestions: You DO NOT even have to learn an instrument. Learn how to make electronic music (you don't have to make techno or other such electronic electronic music. Just lay down a drum track and add a little sound here and another there. YouTube is full of tutorials for full blown DAW's/workstations and the simplest apps. Get Koala Sampler or some other app for your phone or better yet, tablet.

Even simpler, try an app called Keylimba, the default sound is a soothing thumb piano/marimba, and for just a couple euros/bucks you can get a range of instruments, but the marimba is very well enough for a long ass time. With it you can just have the thing loop whatever base you put in and just, pluck a sound here and there. I'm a half-pro musician and I still often find myself just relaxing with it. Making a simple chord structure and just chilljamming away. Music isn't hard and difficult, people/society just approaches it in a really backwards way. Anyone can do music. Sequencers and loopers are such an underrated tool for learning and creativity. You don't have to mind any theory at all, just do what feels good.

I also have to add - meditation. Get a calm album or find one on YouTube that has music you enjoy, or even look up a guided meditation on YouTube, there's tons. Meditation is great if you can find even a moment to focus/unfocus on it.

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