That's amazing; I've got the same combination on my luggage.
Before I switched to Overleaf for the collaboration features, I used tectonic-typesetting (non gui) with VSCode
That's why I only buy ant-created technology.
--sent from my antPhone
I have seen these in Michigan as well.
Some of the skill might be transferrable. My sister has been on iPhone for years and gets 120 wpm on monkeytype with predictive text on. For comparison, she gets 110 on a normal chiclet keyboard.
Keep in mind thermostats are generally not tightly calibrated devices. I prefer 71°F at home, but recently visited relatives and thought their mini-split was FREEZING at 29°C (84 F)
Also humidity plays a huge role.
Loss of precision. Most digital thermostats only display two digits for cost savings. I've had experiences with mini-splits that are too cold at 27 and too hot at 28.
marry me